10 October 2009

Cancer Strategy #5

Cancer Strategy #5 - Strengthen the Immune System

As the immune system is so important in fighting cancer, and as so many well known supplements focus on immune system support, we have energetically tested a bunch of supplements to get an idea of what really does work well. And it is pretty interesting. Some of the well known ones were just not that good. We hope you find this valuable. It is all too easy to waste money, or worse yet die, from taking supplements that are not as good as they sound. This may help you pick you way through some of the confusion as to what is just okay, and what is very good. We will divide these supplement suggestions up into different broad categories of similar products.
Enhancing Cell Communication - Aloe Vera, Glyconutrients and more
First let's go over why this type of supplement is valuable for fighting cancer. Cancer cells are viewed by the immune system as non-self. As are viruses and other pathogens in our body. By increasing the ability of the cells to communicate with each other and with the immune system, the immune system may be better able to identify what is non-self, and get rid it.
One type of product that has proved to be so effective at helping the immune system do this, a new science has developed around it. The science of Glycobiology, which deals with the role of essential long chain carbohydrates in cellular communication.
To maintain a healthy body, cells must "talk" to each other. Their language is one of touch, written in saccharides (or simple sugars) on the cell surfaces. Like thousands of different "keys" projecting from the cell surface, they either unlock the required functions of the adjoining cell or not. If the right keys are available, the body functions smoothly. If not, it doesn't.
In March, 2001, Science Magazine dedicated virtually the entire magazine to the science of Glycobiology and the essential saccharides that make up these cellular communication keys.
The University of California, San Diego, announced the establishment of a Center for the further research and development of the Science of Glycobiology. And the President of the Royal Academy of Medicine in London, Dr. John Asford, said that "Sugars are going to be the molecules of the next decade."
Eclipse Magazine reviewed the results in Uganda where they are using these glyconutrients on AIDS and cancer patients and seeing remarkable results, and the child with Projeria (fast aging disease) who is experiencing reversal in his aging process once on glyconutrients.
The best source for these special, long chain carbohydrate molecules has proven to be properly processed aloe vera. One of the top researchers in the field, Dr. Danhof, gives some details on what it does. (These are Dr. Danhof's words based on his and other research.)
"The Aloe Vera MPS is a long chain sugar molecule composed of individual sugar molecules connected together in long linear chains. There is wide range in the size of the MPS molecule. The varying sizes determine their healing properties.
"1. Anti-inflammatory and Blood Sugar Normalization ­ Small size molecules.
MPS reduces inflammation which is involved in such diseases as ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and gastric reflux. Also helps with the reduction of blood sugar with both type I and II diabetes.
"2. Free Radical Scavenger ­ Medium size molecules.
Whereas vitamins and minerals can only function outside the cells, MPS are effective intracellular antioxidant and free radical scavengers - very important in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, heart disease and Parkinson's disease. With the ever-increasing chemical pollution all over the planet and loss of nutrients in the soil, the increase in free radicals and loss of cellular oxygen will only become worse with time.
"3. Anti-Pathogenic ­ Large size molecules.
Has a direct antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-yeast/fungus and anti-amoeba effect. This is important with all the new infectious diseases cropping up, and the older ones becoming more virulent and mutating from long term use of antibiotics.
"4. Immune System Enhancement ­ Very large size molecules.
The very large molecules are immune modulating, which has a powerful healing effect on AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, other chronic infections, multiple chemical exposure, cancer, heart disease, auto-immune diseases and many other immune system disorders. MPS is important with the ever-increasing number of infectious diseases that are gradually becoming resistant to antibiotics.
"The MPS molecule activates the Macrophage directly and through the liver to produce a cascade of healing effects: increases phagocytosis by the macrophage to engulf and destroy infected cells and damaged cells (the garbage eater in the body); increases interleukin and interferon levels in the body, which then increases the number and response of T-Cells and Monocytes; wound healing via fibroblast activity as well as dramatically increasing the growth of new cells and the anti-pathogenic response with viruses, bacteria, yeast fungus and amoebas.
"MPS also causes the body to produce tumor necrosis factor that destroys tumors by shutting off their blood supply."
Dr. Danhof
Several small pharmaceutical companies are developing drugs using these long chain polysaccharides to fight cancer. Between them and the general research showing many cancer fighting benefits to taking aloe, there is a good amount of research on the use of aloe vera extract for fighting cancer.
What makes a difference in the effectiveness of various aloe products is a combination of how many of the more potent molecules or essential sugars are in the aloe or glyconutrient supplement, and how much of the supplement is comprised of not as useful molecules. This primarily has to do with the kind of processing used to extract and preserve all the active ingredients. The stabilized muco polysaccharides.
When an aloe vera leaf is cut, the mineral salts and enzymes immediately starts breaking down the MPS molecules in it which reduces their effectiveness. If something is not done to prevent this action, the molecules are broken down into small sizes and are primarily valuable for inflammation. The better the extraction process, the better the MPS molecules will be able to assist in the improvement of cellular communication and the fight against cancer.
Aloe vera gels, pills and juices that you find in your local health food store or section, don't use a special extraction process that protects the molecules. Consequently while they may be good for inflammation and constipation and more, energetic testing for the ability to help with cancer comes in a poor range of barong 35.
The next step up comes with the higher quality glyconutrients from an mlm company and a few of the aloe powders with the polysaccharides, like Nutri.., that compete with it. Energetic testing on them comes in at the 120 to 135 range. Okay to do and useful, but not great.
The next step up in energy testing are the MPS and 3X powders. They come in significantly stronger at 210 and 253. Next comes
Get Healthy Aloe MPS and 3X
These are frequency enhanced versions of the MPS and 3X powders. The frequency enhancing increases their healing power to 294 and 345. Starting to get in the very good to use range. The very best glyconutrient supplement is their sister product...
Glyco Ultra
Glyco Ultra has some of the same concentrate as makes up the Get Healthy Aloe MPS. However additional aloe molecules from other sources have been added to it. Along with other nutrients to increase absorption into the body. This Aloe Vera gel in a dried powder form provides galactomannans with a unique blend of plant sources not available elsewhere.
The proprietary extraction process used in making this involves freeze drying the gel into a powder which eliminates the enzymes and mineral salts to prevent their destructive action. You tend to get a bit more of the most powerful long chain molecules. Even the filler, larch tree powder, is beneficial. It acts as a pre-biotic nutrient feeding your friendly intestinal bacteria. And is an immune system enhancer too with independent research showing it is good for fighting cancer. Get Healthy Aloe MPS and Glyco Ultra contain the complete MPS molecule intact. The dalton weight for some of the molecules goes up to over two million. These higher dalton weights, over one million, are necessary for effective immune system healing, bolstering and balancing the immune system cells, and for producing tumor necrosis factor.
GLyco Ultra is taken as a loose powder mixed with water on an empty stomach in the morning. For health maintenance a quarter to half a measuring teaspoon a day is used, with an ounce lasting 4 to 8 months. For serious health concerns, usually 2 measuring teaspoons or scoops a day are used, with the large size container lasting a month. For advanced cancers three times this amount is suggested, 3 bottles a month.
A woman in her middle forties was diagnosed with a high-grade progressive malignant bladder cancer. X-rays and a biopsy showing that her bladder was 20% consumed by the cancer, which had invaded the muscle tissue and was considered to be one of the most aggressive types. She was scheduled to have her bladder removed, but after a few weeks of taking a high dose of Aloe MPS she went in to have the operation for bladder removal and the medical doctors found that her cancer was gone!
One man had advanced liver cancer. Chemotherapy treatments were unsuccessful. Bleeding in the intestines required months of blood transfusion. Five days after beginning one teaspoon a day of Aloe MPS, his bleeding stopped. His health gradually improved, and he returned to a more normal routine of day to day living.
Another man in his early seventies, who was undergoing chemical and radiation therapy for pancreatic cancer, had lost a tremendous amount of weight. Within two weeks of using a very high dose of Aloe MPS mixed with water, 6 level measuring teaspoons, he began gaining weight and had much less nausea form the medical treatment he was receiving.
One woman, taking 7 1/2 tsp a day, said she felt it going directly to her cancer and working on it every time she took it. (She had very extensive bone cancer.)
It is easily mixed with water or juice. Galacomannans are the most important components in the body to support recognition and defense mechanisms in the immune system, and for the brain to function at the highest level of coherence.
Larch Tree powder extract provides prebiotic factors to support the growth of symbiotic bacteria as well as a healthy source of plant fiber. This results in the gut being able to absorb the high molecular weight form of galactomannas from Aloe Vera gel.
Rice bran soluble powder contains well over 100 ingredients, including B vitamins, fatty acids and many different types of phytonutrients. All of these natural nutrients further support the† immune system and healthy cell chemistry. This is an important upgrade to the aloe vera immune supplements with a combination of aloe powders and other glyconutrients to make it the most potent glyconutrient supplement we have yet found.
These changes make it considerably more potent than any of the other glyconutrients and aloe powders we have checked. After Glyco Ultra has been frequency enhanced, our energetic testing gives it a very high 568. Which makes it the highest rated immune system support supplement we have yet tested. Use 1 large bottle a month for early stage cancer, 2 a month for advanced stage cancers.
There are two products discussed later in this report that also work on enhancing cellular communication. The primary activity of the glyconutrients and aloe powders. These are an energized or frequency enhanced elixir, Clear Circuit Elixir and an organic herbal formula designed to work with the elixir to further enhanced cellular communication. Clear Circuit Herbal Formula. They work synergistically with Glyco Ultra, and because they work on the same thing in such a completely different manner, using all three products together is especially effective.
When taken in the suggested quantities, 1 bottle of each for early stage cancer, 3 bottles of Glyco Ultra, 3 bottles of Clear Circuit Elixir and 3 bottles monthly of Clear Circuit Herbal Formula for advanced stage cancer, energetic testing put the ability of this combo to fight cancer at an astounding 897.
Only one other product combination even comes close to this, the combination of OxyDHQ, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and pH Balancer 8.0. This combination, when used in the suggested quantities, tests energetically at 939.
OxyDHQ and UltraImmune9 (covered below) is an even more powerful combination for fighting cancer. Energetic testing puts this combination at 1132.
Mushroom, Beta Glucan and Similar Immune Support Supplements
Some of the better known cancer fighting supplements are found in this section. A surprising number are not that good. Some are good, and we'll cover a few of those. None are great- at least not that we've checked on so far. Mushroom based supplements help to increase Natural Killer Cell activity. Beta Glucans which also come from mushrooms also work on increasing the number of T cells. All valuable things to happen when fighting cancer.
The AHCC mushroom extracts have been around for years with a good deal of research behind it. I've spoken with mushroom product formulators who say that it is a bit out of date and not that good. They may be right. Energetic testing on this comes in at 44. Not what you'd like to see in a product if you're taking it to beat cancer. It is sold under various names.
A number of the individual mushroom supplements came in at around 100 in energetic testing. These include good Maitake and Shitake supplements. UltraCeps, a cordycep mushroom formulation comes in at 120 for fighting cancer. (We suggested it previously for improving the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and for helping to heal the liver.) As does a Reishi Complex, one of the better ganoderma supplements we found.
Beta Glucans have long been touted for their immune boosting ability. The very best one, with a lot of testing showing it is better than other similar products, however, energetically tests at only 150 for cancer. I suspect that in general products that are isolates just don't work as well as you would like - in the body.
There are a few companies producing Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC) immune boosting products. MGN... being the most well known. It and Peak Immun... both energetically test good. At 200. Some other off brands, so to speak were much less, around 130.
There is one mushroom supplement that tests much better than these - when used in extra high doses. In fact, in these high doses it is one of the most potent cancer fighters based on our energetic testing. It is....
UltraImmune9 specifically targets and nutritionally supports optimum anti-cancer performance. It is based on a little known Chinese Medicine anti-cancer formulation, giving you a high concentration of nine established immune boosting mushrooms. These nine mushrooms have both historical and modern track records of proven performance, and provide a broad base of nutritional support for a hard working immune system. Energetic testing puts the cancer fighting power of UltraImmune9 at a rather amazing 932.
Below is a summary of the medicinal and anti-cancer properties of each mushroom in it.
1) Trametes Versicolor or the Turkey Tail mushroom.
This mushroom has long been treasured in the East; in Japan it is known as kawaratake (mushroom by the river bank), and in China it is called Yun Zhi or Cloud Fungus. In Japan around 1965 a chemical engineer investigated this mushroom for its anticancer constituents after observing his neighbor's life-threatening cancer was cured after taking Cloud Fungus. This led to the discovery of PSK and later it's closely-related PSP (Polysaccharide-Peptide).
Decades of clinical experience indicate PSK is very gentle on cancer patients and works well for cancers. PSK significantly extended survival at five years or beyond in cancers of the stomach, colon-rectum, esophagus, nasopharynx, and lung (non-small cell types), and in a HLA B40-positive breast cancer subset. It's sister, PSP, in double-blind trials, significantly extended five-year survival in esophageal cancer. PSP significantly improved quality of life, provided pain relief, and enhanced immune status in 70-97 percent of patients with cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lung, ovary, and cervix.
PSK and PSP boosted immune cell production, ameliorated chemotherapy symptoms, and enhanced tumor infiltration by immune system cells.
2) Agaricus Blazei
With a high beta glucan content this mushroom assists in the production of interferon and interleukin which are potent in fighting cancer, especially in the uterus. Anti-tumor effects come from a range of polysaccharides including "beta/ alpha/ xylo/ galacto/ and protein glucan. And its steroids, nucleic acids, lipids and lectin have cancer inhibition properties. In Japan, intensive research done with guinea pigs showed that Agaricus Blazei blocks cancer development 99.4% and reverses growth in 90.0%.
3) Grifola Frondosus or Maitake Mushrooms
Along with Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) and Lentinula Edodes (Shitake), this is one of the most thoroughly studied of the medicinal mushrooms. It is an extremely rich source of polysaccharides which stimulate the immune system in diverse ways including boosting T-cells and NK-cells. Extensive studies also verify its liver support efficacy.
4) Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi Mushroom
Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most thoroughly documented mushrooms with extensive human trials verifying its highly effective pharmacological characteristics which include Anti-cancer tumor inhibition, Histamine inhibition, Antioxidant, anti-inflammation, anti-allergy activity. Research indicates that the polysaccharide beta-1, 3-D-glucan in Reishi boosts the immune system by raising the amount of macrophages T-cells. This has major implications for people suffering from AIDS and other immune system disorders. Nutritional support to boost immunity, fight cancer and heart disease, calm your nerves, and relieve allergies.
5) Cordyceps Sinensis
Cordyceps Sinensis is one of the most versatile multi-purpose medicinal mushrooms, with quite extensive modern human and animal studies confirming its effectiveness. One study demonstrated that Cordyceps added significant enhancement of NK cell activity in normal individuals as well as in leukemia stricken individuals. Natural Cordyceps enhanced the NK cell activity of normal patients by 74% and increased the NK activity of leukemia patients by 400%. Similar improvements of NK cell activities was found in big melanoma cancer.
6) Lentinula Edodes or Shitake Mushroom
The shitake has been used since the Ming Dynasty to cure respiratory illnesses, liver trouble, exhaustion, and poor blood circulation. This mushroom has also shown potential for successful treatment of heart disease, cancer, and AIDS. Its two polysaccharide derivatives, Lentinen and LEM, have been extensively studied in Japan, and are officially approved as cancer therapy adjuncts by the Ministry of Health.
7) Polyporous Umbrellatus
Like many of the other of the medicinal mushrooms listed, it fights bacteria, inflammation, viruses, and benefits the immune system, the liver, and the respiratory system. It is renowned for its urinary tract benefits in particular, and is used for treatment of lung, gastric, cyst and cervical cancers.
8) Flammulina Velutipes or Winter Mushroom
The health benefits of Winter Mushroom include supporting liver and ulcer repair. Its anti-tumor activity is suggested in many studies including effects on proliferation, apoptosis and colony inhibition in human breast cancer cells.
9) Hericium Erinaceus or Lion's Mane
Lion's Mane has been traditionally used in both Japan and China for centuries. Recently, Japanese researchers have isolated a NGSF (Nerve Growth Stimulant Factor) from the mushroom that causes brain neurons to re-grow. This has important implications for helping to cure senility, neurological degradation, and increasing intelligence. It has been proven to help the digestive system and is used as a tonic for the nerves.
Studies in China proved that it is effective on "ulcers, inflammations, and tumors of the alimentary canal. Ingestion of this mushroom is said to have a remarkable effect in extending the life of cancer ridden patients. Ying (1987) reports that pills of this mushroom are used in the treatment of gastric and esophageal carcinoma."
There are other nutrients in UltraImmune9 designed to help it better fight cancer. These include the powerful cancer fighting Chokeberry extract, NAC, Quercetin, Cranberry powder and ProCoQ10.
You need to use a lot of UltraImmune9 to get an energetic rating of 932. Use 6 bottles a month for early stage cancer. Nine bottles a month for advanced stage cancers, and 12 a month for very advanced cancers. That would be 18, 27 or 36 capsules a day.
OxyDHQ and UltraImmune9 used together are a very powerful combination for fighting cancer. Energetic testing puts this combination when used in the suggested quantities off the charts at 1139.
Agaricus Enhanced
This liquid extract is a highly potent Agaricus Blazei hybrid mushroom, with Sasa Bamboo leaf extract. Using , patented extraction technology that captures each and every nutritious element from a hybrid mushroom that took years to develop, and Sasa Bamboo leaf, it is a source of beta glucans and other immune factors. Frequency enhancing, the same as what is done for the Glyco Ultra, is what makes it just a little better than these other mushroom supplements. Before it is frequency enhanced, energetic testing for its benefit in fighting cancer is 156. Frequency enhancing increases its potency to 230, which is why it is called Agaricus Enhanced.
Research in the 1970s, revealed that the consumption of a special kind of wild mushroom, known as the Agaricus Blazei, was the reason natives of the region lived to more than 100 years of age with great health. In fact, the natives referred to their locally grown Agaricus as, "the king of mushrooms" or "the mushroom of life."
Scientists combined the original “mushroom of life,” with another potent Agaricus Blazei mushroom. The levels of nutrients in the new “hybrid” mushroom were higher than either of its parents. This mushroom is the most powerful Agaricus mushroom grown - with significantly higher beta glucan levels and nutrient content.
Sasa Bamboo leaf extract, the other ingredient in Agaricus Hybrid, is considered by many to be the world’s most powerful antioxidant. Sasa Bamboo has been used for centuries in Japan as a traditional medicine and to preserve food, most notably sushi, for days without refrigeration.
This product uses a patented, 10-stage extraction process to ensure that every nutrient from the Hybrid Agaricus mushroom and Sasa Bamboo leaf is bio-available. This liquid comes in a small 10 ml. bottle.
If you were to up the dosage significantly to using 12 bottles a month for early stage cancers, 14 bottles a month for advanced stage cancers, and 18 bottles a month for end stage cancers, energetic testing dramatically increases to 543. The small amount actually used makes it valuable for anyone who cannot consume or drink much.
Defense uses a Tsi-Ahga mushroom conk combined with some herbal anti-cancer ingredients. It is excellent for knocking out tumors. For instance, within three days of taking just 1/4th of a capsule twice daily, the cat's tumor started making dramatic changes. Then on the fifth day, more changes -- the tumor began disintegrating. It turns out that the tumor actually liquidized and leaked out onto the driveway where the cat was lying in the sun. This was after 2 years of using Graviola and other natural supplements that had not been successful in stopping the cancer.
Energetic testing for its cancer fighting ability puts Defense at a very good 378.
The four main ingredients in “ Defense are Black Cumin, Muscadine Grape Seed, the Native American Sacred herb “Tsi-Ahga” and Allicin-Release Product (ARP) from garlic.  Each one is demonstrated in scientific research to strengthen, support and modulate the immune response in different ways. 
Garlic extracts have been used for thousands of years successfully to aid in a wide variety of conditions. Allicin is the natural defense mechanism of the garlic plant that science has proven to be effective as a defense for us as well.  Some research-supported actions of Allicin are:  reduces blood pressure, kills microscopic organisms, poisonous bacteria, parasites and fungal infections, aids in preventing neoplasm, reduces high blood cholesterol, removes heavy metals and other toxins, scavenges and removes free radicals, repairs immune system cells by providing high sulfur compounds, and increases blood circulation.
Even though Allicin was discovered in 1944, its volatility means that most garlic based products contain hardly any Allicin. Using a patented process, Defense has pure allicin in it that is stabilized and effective. The amount found in two capsules of “Defense” is equivalent to eating 45 bulbs of garlic!
Black Cumin has impressive scientific research behind it that shows it stimulates the bone marrow to produce immune cells, increases interferon production, protects the body against viruses and inhibits infection.  Black Cumin has also been proven effective against the development of cancer. 
The Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of South Carolina ran a series of experiments in which mice were infected with tumor cells.  Two thirds of the animals treated with Black Cumin oil were still alive thirty days after being infected.  In contrast, ALL of the mice that did not receive Black Cumin treatment died within thirty days.
The makers of Defense use a patented process to turn the black cumin oil into a powder without losing any of the essential phytonutrients found in the oil. In its capsule form it is much easier to take than the oil. It is the highest quality cumin, organically grown in Egypt.
Tsi-Ahga is a Native American Medicine derived from conks that grow on certain cone-bearing trees.  The Beta-3D-glucans which make up part of the cellular structure of these Conks cause a modulation of T-Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophil White Blood Cells, when ingested.  In fact, it has been established that the number and viability of these particular cells is increased by as much as 4000% within 20 hours after taking Tsi-Ahga!
Macrophages and Neutrophils are the two cells upon which all other immune cells depend.  You can have many viable B-Cells and T-Cells, but they will not be effective without the programming provided by these macrophage and neutrophil “Communicator” cells. Tsi-Ahga also contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors, and perhaps the highest source of germanium in nature.  Germanium is an oxygen catalyst, and one of the most powerful free-radical scavengers found in nature.
Muscadine Grape Seed contains higher levels of antioxidants than blackberries, black raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, red raspberries, and strawberries.  This finding was established in the early 1990s by Mississippi State University, as well as by the National Institutes of Health.  Because it is so much higher in antioxidants, Muscadine Grape Seed protects and restores immune function resulting in a wide variety of protection throughout the body.
Defense is a good cancer fighter. Relatively inexpensive too. Use four capsules a day for early stage cancersto six capsules a day, 2 or 3 bottles a month.
Herbs (and more)That Fight Cancer
I've had too many people tell me what nutritional supplements they were taking for their cancer. Where the supplements they mention, to my consternation, just weren't strong enough to vigorously fight cancer. A lot of those supplements were herbs, vitamins and minerals. Some juices. We'll start out this section by giving you the Energetic Testing results for a lot them. So you'll have a better idea what may work better, and what isn't so effective.
Some good quality herbs known to boost the immune system response do not test all that strong individually for cancer. In the 30 to 40 range of the energetic testing were Golden Seal, Pau d'Arco or Teehebo, Echinacea, Green Tea and Green Tea Extract. Cat's Claw comes in just a hair better at 55. Still nothing to get excited about.
PawPaw comes in at 110. Graviola used therapeutically at 120. Gerson protocol at 120. Hoxley tonic at 132. Essaic teas varied in quality from 120 to 320. The best Chinese herbs for fighting cancer, if you are fortunate enough to run across someone who knows what they are doing, energetically test at 324 for fighting cancer. The highly touted fermented wheat germ product is also good, a 321.
A bit less than the best of these are Raspberry Seed Capsules at 286 when doing the usual therapeutic amounts of 2 to 3 bottles a month. And about the same potency as the Chinese herbs, but easier to take is...
This is derived from the Pacific Yew Tree which has a long history of use as a cancer fighter. YewImmune5 is an all natural supplement made from the needles of the Pacific Yew tree. These chlorophyll laden needles have additional nutrient benefits over the bark alone. The number 5 in YewImmune5 represents the five body systems this little known nutritional powerhouse supports: 1. Endocrine 2. Cardiovascular 3. Respiratory 4. Digestive 5. Immune.
Yew has been used for centuries to treat many different ailments, and has a long history of medicinal use. North Americans referred to the Pacific Yew as “Chief of the Forest” because of its incredible and miraculous healing powers when utilized for strength and endurance. Salves made from the Pacific Yew needles were used to treat skin tumors and diseases, bronchitis and respiratory problems. Pioneers brewed the needles and bark to relieve colds, fevers, headaches, stomach, kidney and lung problems as well as for sore swollen joints from arthritis and rheumatism.
Users have noticed that its ability to strengthen the immune system and ward off illness surpasses other herbs or supplements. YewImmune5 quickly and powerfully supports the body’s ability to fight cold and flu symptoms such as stuffy nose, blocked sinuses, sneezing and watery, itching eyes, as well as aches and pains.

Is YewImmune5 proven to work? Absolutely. Government research done on the Pacific Yew tree showed that it contains many health promoting substances. Most notable were the anti-cancer phytochemicals present in the Pacific Yew. The unique anti-cancer constituents of the Pacific Yew were discovered for the first time in the 1960’s and are called taxanes (inspiring the brand name Taxol). Pacific Yew taxanes are incredibly powerful plant chemicals that exert some of the strongest natural anti-cancer properties ever seen in cancer research.

How do taxanes work? Taxanes fight cancer by preventing cancer cells from dividing. Cancer cells reproduce when the parent cell grows small tentacle-like tubes called microtubules. New cancer cells grow at the ends of the tubules, and when they mature, the tubules disintegrate so that the new cells are freed from the parent cell and can reproduce and function on their own. Pacific Yew taxanes, unlike any other anti-cancer drug or substance, actually prevent the disintegration of tubules, so the new cancer cells cannot separate from the parent cells. This paralyzes cell division and the cancer cells eventually die.

Not only does Pacific Yew contain anti-cancer taxanes, it also provides a wide range of other plant chemicals such as glycosides, flavonoids, lignans, benzenoids and enzymes, all of which have been shown to have powerful natural anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties that work to help your resistance to illness. Its anti-inflammatory substances help alleviate symptoms related to inflammation such as stuffy nose and sinuses, fever, as well as aches in the muscles and joints.

Dr. Elias Gutierrez, M.D. and Mildred Nelson, R.N. from the BioMedical Center in Mexico states about YewImmune5 “Over 20,000 of our cancer patients have included Pacific Yew tea, capsules and salves to their treatments. Patients are advised to continue Yew in their diets for one year after we can no longer detect cancer in their systems and periodically thereafter for preventative care..The immuno-stimulant, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and detoxification properties of Pacific Yew are also extremely beneficial…”
YewImmune5 has wide ranging benefits - with the proof to back it up. There are 180 capsules per bottle. Energetic testing puts YewImmune5 at 366 in its ability to fight cancer when used in the suggested doses of a couple of bottles a month for early stage cancers and 3 bottles a month for advanced stage cancers.
Ellagic Acid Formula with Graviola
A few years ago an acquaintance told me story after story of people with cancer experiencing quick and dramatic improvement in their condition using Ellagic Acid. Such as a woman with stage 4 breast cancer virtually going into remission in two weeks. Now I don't know why the breast cancer disappeared that fast, but there is research showing that Ellagic acid has potent anti-cancer properties.
The Hollings Cancer Center has conducted extensive research on Ellagic acid. Their past nine years of study have shown that ellagic acid in the test tube, is causing G-arrest within 48 hours (inhibiting and stopping mitosis-cancer cell division), and apoptosis (normal cell death) within 72 hours, for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin, colon and prostate cancer cells.
Clinical tests show that ellagic acid prevents the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells. Additional studies suggest that one of the mechanisms by which ellagic acid inhibits mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is by forming adducts with DNA, thus hiding binding sites on the DNA from the mutagen or carcinogen.
Dr. Daniel Nixon, MUSC, began studying ellagic acid in 1993. His recently published results show:
* Cervical cancer cells - HPV (human papilloma virus) exposed to ellagic acid experienced apoptosis (normal cell death).
* Ellagic acid leads to G1 arrest of cancer cells, thus inhibiting and stopping mitosis (cancer cell division).
* Ellagic acid prevents destruction of the P53 gene by cancer cells. P53 is regarded as the safeguard of mutagenic activity in cervical cells.
* Tests reveal similar results for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin, colon and prostate cancer cells.
Ellagic acid has also been shown to inhibit the initiation of tumors in many types of cancer. It acts as a scavenger, and binds to cancer causing chemicals to make them inactive. It even prevents their binding to DNA and thus has been shown to reduce the incidence of cancer in human cells exposed to carcinogens.
Ellagic Formula with Graviola has high amounts of Ellagic acid and several other antioxidants with proven anti-cancer properties. While individually on there own these anti-oxidants are not that valuable, as a group they do provide some benefit. These are:
OPC's from grapes seed extract and Resveratrol from the grape skin both have been shown to be quite potent. Resveratrol in particular has been heavily researched. Not only does it inhibit the growth of cancer cells, but it can cause cancerous cells to revert back to normal, and helps prevent them from turning cancerous in the first place.
Green tea extract, which has long been known to fight cancer and heart disease. In addition the formula contains recommended amounts of most of the major antioxidant vitamins including Selenium and Vitamin E which protect against cancer and heart disease.
How well does this formula work?
One health food store owner says she has never seen anything work better against cancer. She tells of the story of a 90 year old man with prostate cancer which had spread to the bones. On his own he started taking 21 capsules a day. In a few months his cancer was gone. He was alive and in good health 3 years later. Not bad for a 90 year old man.
To make this formula even better, an extract from a rainforest tree is included. Graviola. There is a very interesting story behind Graviola. In 1976 a billion dollar drug company started investigating Graviola's cancer fighting properties. They found 2 phytochemicals in it that were:  
  • 10,000 times more toxic to colon cancer cells than a common chemo drug
  • Lethal to 12 different kinds of malignant cells, including lung, prostate, and breast cancers
  • Extremely safe as it protects healthy cells instead of killing them
  • Something that doesn't cause extreme nausea or hair loss
  • A treatment that doesn't make cancer patients drop huge amounts of weight, get weak, or compromise their immune systems
Of course, this is just in test tube research.
Does the drug company tell the world? Nope. Instead, the company sends researchers into the lab to isolate the natural chemicals so they can crank out a patented, prescription version of the drug.  They do this for seven years before they finally give up... the synthesized version just wasn't working. (And you can't patent natural compounds -- it's against the law.)
So what do they do next? Instead of publishing their findings, they box up the research and put it away to collect dust. However, research on Graviola did continue, though it took a couple of decades for it to do so. Purdue University, funded by the NCI and NIH, has done a good deal of it. In 1997 they reported that the Amonaceous acetogenins found in Graviola:  "not only are effective in killing tumors that have proven resistant to anti-cancer agents, but also seem to have a special affinity for such resistant cells."
These cells resist drugs by developing a pump that pushes the drug out the cell before it can kill it. Graviola inhibits the production of ATP so that cells cannot produce as much energy. While this may does not cause a problem in normal cells, it wrecks havoc on the cancer cells with pumps because of their high energy requirements.
What I like best about energetically testing supplements for their cancer fighting ability, is that this can help separate out the poor quality supplements from the good supplements. And let you know what might be just good, though it sounds great. Ellagic acid with Graviola formulation tests good, at 384 when used in the therapeutic amounts. It's better than a lot of supplements, but it's not great. One bottle contains 180 capsules and a high therapeutic amount would be using 18 to 24 capsules daily, 3 to 4 bottles monthly.
Seasonal Rescue
This is another herbal formula designed to fight colds and other seasonal illnesses. It will also activate the liver, kidneys and lymph system so that they will be better able to handle the toxins and dead cancer cells that need to be eliminated when you are attacking cancer. You may even want to start it first, a day or two before other supplements or treatments, if time is not an issue, to get those organs in better shape before inundating them with toxins and dead cancer cells.
According to some anecdotal reports, Seasonal Rescue is a powerful cancer fighter too. This is because it contains wasabi and herbs that facilitate wasabi's transportation into cells and activate the wasabi. There have been a number of Japanese studies showing that wasabi is a powerful cancer killer. Plus it has a number of herbs that boost and enhance the immune system. As you will see, it works quite well.
One man with a spot of skin cancer decided to fight it with Seasonal Rescue. He took 5 tablets 6 times in day. By the end of the second day the cancerous spot was gone. A woman, upon learning she had ovarian cancer also took 5 tablets 5 or 6 times a day. In 30 days her cancer was gone.
This product is better than the information makes it sound. Energetic testing puts Seasonal Rescue at 375 for fighting cancer. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 4 bottles a month for advanced. There are 180 tablets per bottle. Consider it both for supporting your detoxification organs and for its cancer fighting abilities.
Immune Power Herbal Formula
This tea is proving to be one of the top immune boosting, cancer fighting products we know of. Containing many more herbs than Essaic or even Medicine Man Tea, it is a more powerful product. It is both anti-inflammatory and supportive of the immune system. A Ph.D. medical researcher specializing in cancer developed this tea by drawing on the best cancer fighting herbs from many cultures, including traditional Persian culture medicine. It is also supportive of digestive function, increasing assimilation of nutrients.
The herbs are organically grown and include: Dandelion Leaf, Rose Petal, Milfoil, Verbenia, Orange Peel, Hyssop, Red Raspberry Leaf, Angelica, Shavegrass, Ginseng, Star of Bethlehem, Sweet Violet, Cleavers, Red Clover, Burdock.
Again, not much of a story to tell on Immune Power Herbal Formula, but energetic testing has it coming in at a very high 436 for fighting cancer. One container supplies two cups a day for a month for early stage cancers. Use up to 6 cups a day for advanced cancers.
Whole Food Based Immune System Support
Bovine colostrum supplements have been touted for years as excellent immune system booster. As usual there is a range of quality and effectiveness. Energetic testing puts the lesser quality colostrum supplements at around 40. The good quality ones are significantly better at 120. Better still are the transfer factor colostrum supplements. These come in close to 200 in healing power. Below is the colostrum immune factor supplement with the highest energetic testing, 246 when using 1 or 2 bottles a month. However, if used in higher quantities, 4 bottles per month, it shoots up to an impressive 532 in its energetic testing. This is one of those cases, as with UltraImmune9 and Fulvitea, where dramatically increasing dosage makes a big difference. As a spray, it absorbs directly in the mouth and does not get as reduced in potency by digestion.
PRP Factor
PRP Factor is a proline-rich extract of grade A bovine colostrum that gives you thousands of bioactive nutritional compounds including high therapeutic levels of PRP’s and Cytokines. It is an excellent immune system modulator. This means it will both help to cool off the inflammation that so often occurs with cancer, and also boost the immune system's ability to kill cancer cells.
In addition it provides nine distinct growth factors, dozens of known immune system regulators, Lactoferrin and Transferrin. These nutrients nutritionally support the immune, cytokine and endocrine systems, and recent research indicates that they also have powerful action against degenerative conditions and infections of all types.
"PRP in bovine colostrum has the same ability to regulate activity of the immune system as hormones of the Thymus gland. It activates an underactive immune system, helping it move into action against disease-causing organisms. PRP also suppresses an overactive immune system, such as is often seen in the autoimmune diseases. PRP is highly anti-inflammatory and also appears to act on T-cell precursors to produce helper T-cells and suppresser T-cells" ...Drs. Staroscik, et. al., Molecular Immunology.
PRP Factor provides all the immune factors found in colostrum. Because absorption starts when it is sprayed into the mouth, these immune factors are not damaged by the stomach's digestive process as ordinary colostrum or transfer factor capsules are. One doctor calls this a miracle product as every one of his patients improves when he gets them on PRP Factor.
Use 4 bottles per month for both early stage and advanced cancers, taking 4 sprays 8 times a day. It comes in at a strong 532 when used in these quantities, making it one of the more powerful supplements you can use to fight cancer. It is especially useful for cancers where inflammation is a problem, as it is excellent at reducing inflammation in the body.
Whole Super Foods
Years ago one of the first supplements I heard stories about knocking out cancers was the Super Blue Green Algae. Only when used in super high doses. I recommended it for years and it did help many people when used along with other supplements. When we finally began to do energetic testing to help determine what was great and what was just okay, the algae turn out just to be okay, with an energetic reading of 145.
Currently there are folks promoting the ability of stem cell enhancing algae extracts with a few other nutrients to fight cancer. Unfortunately, energetic testing rates their cancer fighting ability a little lower than the high dose whole algae, at around 100.
Other folks have been promoting the anti-cancer effects of the next life just a hair higher up the food chain, marine phytoplankton. Unfortunately, the original version and a version that combined a bit of the marine plankton with a host of other nutrients in a liquid form, have fairly low doses of the plankton. Energetic testing puts them at around 130. The version below, perhaps because it just has more of the phytoplankton, perhaps because of its other ingredients is a bit better. Here is the story.
A few years ago the owner of a company harvesting and growing phytoplankton from sea water to feed a fish farm was told he has cancer, and that he didn't have long to live. For some reason, and much to his daughter's disgust, he started eating some of the phytoplankton paste he was producing, just scooping some up with his fingers and eating it. Three months or so later his cancer was gone, his blood sugar normalized too. He started having other people take it, and their health improved also. So he started selling the stuff.
While it was very good stuff, the product included only small amounts of the phytoplankton and a vast majority of some unhealthy filler. So we jumped at recommending PlanktonPlex when it came available. With more marine phytoplankton per capsule. Its "filler" was highly potent and valuable fossilized red algae, Brocolli Seed Extract which is a very effective immune system booster and cancer fighter on its own, Chia Seed Extract, Sprouted Flax Seed, Humic/Fulvic organic acids, Vitamin C, and Aulterra trace mineral extract.
Plankton form the base of the whole food chain in the ocean. Wild. Full of nutrients, it is a marine macro algae. It contains long chain polysaccharides that enhance cell communication, making it a powerful immune system supplement. Kills candida, and more. For an early stage cancer use two bottles a month, to deal with advanced cancer you need to be using three bottles a month. PlanktonPlex comes in at 230 for fighting cancer.
Health Juices. There have been several medicinal juices that have been touted as being great for boosting the immune system response and fighting cancer. Unfortunately while the best of them may be good, they are not great. Energetic testing for therapeutic amounts of the best Mangosteen juice comes in at just 100. This has been touted as being especially powerful for cancer when you drink super high doses of a bottle a day.
Another well know competitor, Goji Juice, didn't fare as well in the energetic testing. It was only a 43 for therapeutic amounts. Acai Juice, at least the best one, was slightly better than the Mangosteen. 130 for the usual therapeutic amount. 250 when drinking a bottle a day.
Two Other Excellent Immune Support Supplements
There are a couple of other supplements I didn't quite know where to put. Here seems as good as any place. They are:
Total Hormone Support
This product is included in the immune support section because people with cancer have a collapsed hormone system. And you need a strong functioning hormonal system to control the immune system response. Total Hormone Support is a unique formula that feeds the glands that make up the hormonal system, and activates the whole system so that it starts working properly. This allows your brain to better connect with the body and direct the fight against cancer.
It is a 2 ounce liquid herbal extract made from isolated fractions of Indonesian yams. This is combined with subtle frequency technology to activate and energize the hormonal system. It is very good for fighting cancer, coming in at 347. However, as the Clear Circuit and Quantum X elixirs do some of what it does, it is only suggested if you are getting a full range of products for cancer. For balancing out hormonal cancers like estrogen dependent breast cancers, it is quite valuable.
Vitamin D Forte Emulsified
Getting enough Vitamin D is vital for fighting cancer. In fact, a lack of it may contribute to cancer. There is more cancer (and MS) in the higher latitudes of the North because weaker sunlight produces less vitamin D. Vitamin D has been used to treat breast, prostate and other cancers. Vitamin D is really not a vitamin. In fact, it is a steroid hormone, with a wide array of bioactive properties.
Vitamin D’s link to certain cancers have been tested and confirmed in more than 200 epidemiological studies, and understanding of its physiological basis stems from more than 2,500 laboratory studies, according to epidemiologist Cedric Garland, professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Dr. Garland is regarded as the top epidemiologist on vitamin D and its relation to health. He led one of the latest studies on vitamin D for cancer prevention and his results, which were published in the Annals of Epidemiology, were nothing short of astonishing. Garland wrote:

“It is projected that raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D [vitamin D] level to 40-60 ng/ml would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year, and three quarters of deaths from these diseases, in the US and Canada.”

He proposed a new model of cancer development -- dubbed DINOMIT -- that is centered on a loss of cancer cells' ability to stick together. According to Dr. Garland:

"The first event in cancer is loss of communication among cells due to, among other things, low vitamin D and calcium levels. In this new model, we propose that this loss may play a key role in cancer by disrupting the communication between cells that is essential to healthy cell turnover, allowing more aggressive cancer cells to take over."
• Some 600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancers could be prevented each year if vitamin D levels among populations worldwide were increased, according to previous research by Dr. Garland and colleagues.

• Optimizing your vitamin D levels could help you to prevent at least 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate, and skin cancers.

• A large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled study on vitamin D and cancer showed that vitamin D can cut overall cancer risk by as much as 60 percent! This was such groundbreaking news that the Canadian Cancer Society has actually begun endorsing the vitamin as a cancer-prevention therapy.

• Light-skinned women who had high amounts of long-term sun exposure had half the risk of developing advanced breast cancer (cancer that spreads beyond your breast) as women with lower amounts of regular sun exposure, according to a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

• A study by Dr. William Grant, Ph.D., internationally recognized research scientist and vitamin D expert, found that about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year with higher levels of vitamin D.
Some health practitioners recommend 4000 to as much as 10,000 units a day when dealing with ill health situations. Actually some recommend 50,000 units a day for short periods of time. Most people don't get enough vitamin D from the sun, even in the south. Vitamin D Emulsified Forte is the best supplemental source because of its increased absorption and assimilation. It is very easy to take. One drop supplies 2000 IU.
Energetic Testing puts Vitamin D Forte Emulsified at 304 for its cancer fighting abilities. Best to use 3 drops a day in this case. There are 600 drops in a bottle, so it is approximately a 6 month supply. Because it is very inexpensive, and because it can benefit virtually everyone, everyone fighting cancer should be getting a bottle of this. (Much more can be used if desired.)

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