Cancer Strategy #1 - Increase Cellular Oxygen Levels
There are several ways to significantly increase oxygen levels in your cells so that you can kill cancer cells and also prevernt them from spreading. The most effective way is to take an oxygen supplement that will literally produce much more oxygen in your cells. We will first cover these supplements in the section below. You can also increase the effeciency of the mitochondria, enabling it to utilize the oxygen to create energy areobically. The mitochondria that become damaged by lack of oxygen cannot produce energy using oxygen, leading to the development of cancerous cells. And finally, you can enhance circulation so that more oxygen and vital nutrients get to your cells. By increasing oxygen in your cells, and its utilization, you will go a long way towards eliminating cancer. In fact our new top suggestion in this field may be the best cancer fighting supplement there is. Let's start by talking about oxygenating supplements. They are not all created equal.
There is a miracle cure ebook selling like hotcakes talking about all the ways increasing oxygen levels in your body is valuable to you. It's good informaton. Unfortunately, their low cost solution is a bit dangerous and not all that effective for cancer. This is drinking diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide. I first became aware of a problem with this therapy years ago when a naturopath said that he was tired of patching up holes in the stomach of people drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide. Another drawback is that oxygen released by hydrogen peroxide treatment and also oxygen salt supplements that release oxygen when they are ingested, tend to cause free radical damage. In addition, only a small portion of the oxygen they release gets into cells as there is not a delivery system that naturally takes oxygen from the blood and gets it into cells. Our natural deliver system picks up oxygen in the lungs and carries it to the cells.
Energetic testing for drinking hydrogen peroxide comes in very low, about 25, making it a poor solution to oxygenating your cells. The aerobic oxygen salts, at least the good ones, test much better at 165. However the best oxygenating supplements make use of deuterium or heavy water to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The most heavily marketed one, found in most health food stores, energeticallly is much stronger than the aerobic oxygen salts at 214. However a different oxygen supplement from an mlm company is even higher, coming in at 320 if you were to use it in the extra high doses we now suggest. Better still though is the supplement we have recommended for years, Oxy E. Energetic testing puts this at 432.
These numbers are good only if the supplement is taken in the suggested quantities for the stage of cancer. Especially with oxgen this is important. Supplements like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ or CANcore-1 are always going to kill some cancer cells, no matter how little you take. That's what they do. The more you take, the more you kill.
Small amounts of oxygen, on the other hand, don't do much against cancer. Cancer cells can handle small amounts of oxygen, some people even claim they may do better with small amounts. So the quantity you take is especially important. For years the standard therapeutic amount suggested was around 100 drops a day. When we started doing energetic testing, the oxygen supplements like Oxy E were not among the top cancer fighters. Coming in at 145 or less, which is okay. However, after learning that the original developers of this type of supplementation over 30 years ago had been using much higher quantities, and increasing the suggested dosage significantly, 200 drops a day for early stage cancer to 300 drops a day for advanced stage cancer to 360 drops a day for end stage cancers, the energetic testing went through the top, with Oxy E coming it at 432, finally making it truly one of the top cancer fighting supplements.
Below we will tell you more about it and how it works. And then tell you about new upgraded oxygenation supplement from the developers of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. OxyDHQ. Used in the same high doses, this supplement is near the top of the energetic testing charts at 693. More on it and Oxy E below. First, though, let's finish up be covering the energetic testing on some other oxygenation treatments.
Hydrogen peroxide baths, check online on how to do them, come in much stronger than drinking hydrogen peroxide, at 233 for cancer. Hydrogen peroxide IV's if you can find a practitioner to give you them, are just a hair better, at 246.
Two standard therapies suggested by top oxygenation doctors come in even better. Hyperbaric chamber treatments where high pressure drives oxygen into cells, comes in at 312. And the oxygen therapy where you breath oxygen while exercising on a treadmill, where the increased circulation from exercising carries the oxygen to more parts of your body, comes in at 314. These all can be done along with taking Oxy E or OxyDHQ if you want to work on oxygenation from several angles.
Oxy E - Cellular Oxygen Enhancer
Oxy E creates oxygen in your cells. Plus it acts as a free radical scavenger, and produces extra hydrogen to increase pH levels and combat free radicals. This one ounce bottle of liquid contains an acid based formulation of sea water minerals, dissolved oxygen, plant based amino acids and plant based enzymes. It interacts with deuterium, a trace mineral naturally found in water. And ends up creating hydrogen and oxygen as it splits the chemical bonds in water molecules.
What sets Oxy E apart from your typical oxygen supplement is that this oxygen producing reaction can take place inside the cells. Where you need to get the oxygen. Many oxygen producing products like hydrogen peroxide, vitamin O (energetic testing a 30), or Aerobic 7- there's a whole slew of them - get oxygen into the blood. As Dr. Whittaker points out, what they can't do though, is to actually get the oxygen into the cells.
The typical oxygen supplements always cause free radical or oxidative damage in the body. Oxy E does the opposite. In its process of creating stable oxygen molecules, it actually eliminates free radicals.
The oxygen transportation problem is solved by Oxy E in a unique way. The ionic trace mineral blend in Oxy E carries it into your cells, where it then makes oxygen. As maximum oxygen creation from Oxy E occurs 6 to 8 hours after ingesting, there is plenty of time to be taken into cells. It forms an O- molecule with a negative ionic charge, which eliminates an O+ free radical by combining with it. This produces a stable oxygen molecule.
Oxy E is able to supply the body with a steady diet of free oxygen, hydrogen, full spectrum minerals, amino acids, and enzymes all the while cleansing cells of toxins and lactic acid. In addition it will enhance absorption of nutrients taken with it into the cells. And pull toxins out of your cells.
It works on two other fundamental causes of cancer, over-toxicity of the cells and pH. You can't take too much, your body only uses as much as it needs. Because it is a powerful detoxifier, increase the dosages slowly.
"I am contacting you for a friend of mine as she does not have a computer to ask a few questions. Her husband has Adenocarcinoma (lung cancer). He has been on Oxy E for approx. 3 weeks. The results have been remarkable to his well being. He is sleeping very well, eating great and has boundless energy, looks and feels better. The improvement started after three days, he is on the maximum dose." Pat G.Ed McCabe, a noted oxygen researcher, in an article in Well Being Journal gives some examples of how supplements like Oxy E helped some people with cancer.
"Dallas TV 11 had to repeat the Francis Guido story because there was so much demand for it by viewers. Francis loves to garden. One day she "No longer felt good." Pancreatic Cancer. Blood work and CAT scans every 4 months confirmed its continuing growth for a year and a half. Finally her doctor told her there was "nothing more they could do," and sent her home to die. She had no energy, couldn't get out of bed, or brush her teeth. Food would stick in her throat. She prayed over her dilemma, and the name of a local Naturopath popped into her mind. By this time her throat was so closed off she stopped drinking water. Dr. Revis helped her to drink an 8-ounce glass of water with drops of this supplement in it. Over a month she worked up to 72 drops per day. She started eating and drinking again. When she returned to her medical doctors they scanned all of her organs and bones, from head to toe, and couldn't find any trace of Cancer! A year and one half later, she looks so much younger, alive and vital, no one recognizes her at the supermarket. She reports: "I'm not dying! The stuff works, but you have to want to live, and continue doing it."
Ed continues, "Let's take the case of Joe Ritter, 66, from Fallbrook, California. Throat Cancer and surgery combined with 40 radiation treatments left him burnt and scarred inside. He heard about and started taking the supplement, and when I interviewed him he was working out at the gym 4 hours a day, and considers himself way ahead of others who had the same surgery and radiation a year ago. He has the blood pressure of a 20 year old, the lowest his has ever been.
"For a variety of reasons not everyone gets the same results with any supplement, but it's hard to pass by another of my interviews, this one was with William Lee. He's 69, he loves fishing, hunting, yardwork, and working with flowers in South Dakota. He had 4 heart attacks, and after a stressful period his Cancer of 6 years ago flared up in his colon, stomach, blood, and prostate. His Naturopath guided him, working him up to taking high dosages of it, several times a day for the past 7 months. He had the usual classic cleansing reactions as the body finally had the building block raw materials needed to purge itself of unwanted diseased tissue. He reported lumps of foul smelling substances that looked like "rotten hamburger" flushing out of his colon, his urine was strong and dark, and he had occasional headaches. As he said, "It is doing its job!" His doctor reports he's free from the Cancer, his heart is improving tremendously, and all previous heart pains have disappeared. William concludes: "It's a fantastic product."
Suggested Use: Add drops to eight ounces of purified water or juice and take with or after meals. It will improve assimilation of supplements you take with it. For a therapeutic dosage, increase slowly to about 10 to 15 drops 6 to 10 times a day. Or you can drink up to 50 drops in a quart of water three times a day. Just remember, Oxy E is a detoxifier so you may experience detoxification symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea and diarrhea if you increase the amounts rapidly, and thus detoxify faster than your body can comfortably handle.
John, a 58 year old man with stage 4 osteosarcoma (cancer of the brain) and cancer of the blood was given 6 to 10 months to live with radiation and less without. "At this point in time, John could no longer walk or drive. As he was about to die, John was then told to 'Get your affairs in order.' ....
"John immediately started taking MSM (organic sulfur), an increasing dosage of Oxy E, changing his diet to an alkaline based diet, and drinking lots of clean water everyday. In two weeks time John drove to his doctor and walked into his office for a check up. To his doctor's amazement, John's swelling in his brain had been reduced by 90% and his speech, his vision and his walking had returned to almost normal. Remember this was only two weeks later! His doctors could not believe his progress, and they were very mad at John for driving a car and not taking his medication. Nevertheless, they told John, 'Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.'
"They still wanted to give him radiation because he had a particularly rapid growing aggressive type of cancer. John refused the radiation and told them that he was going to be just fine, and that he was going to beat this cancer faster than anything that they had ever seen. John religiously continued taking the MSM and the Oxy E. He also continued his strict diet and drank lots of pure water every day.
"Six weeks after his surgery John went back to his doctor for a MRI to see where the cancer was at that point. To his doctors' complete amazement, they found absolutely no swelling in the brain. All brain functions had returned to normal and there was NO CANCER at all."
These testimonies were all at much lower doses than now suggested. Oxy E will work better now when used in the substantially higher doses. It is a good also helping to increase energy, and works to adjust pH levels and detoxify too. We do suggest you work up to the top dosages, but do so quickly. You can always cut back a bit if you get a headache or some other detoxifying too fast symptom. As the drops are acidic, you dilute them in water or juice, not a milk product, and spread out the dosages throughout the day. Can be mixed in with the Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. If your stomach is in bad shape and can't handle acidic drinks, try taking it with meals to buffer it till your stomach improves. By the way, even though it is acidic in the stomach, it reduced acidity in the body. Just what you want.
Our highest recommended oxygenation product, and actually a top anti-cancer supplement suggestion, is OxyDHQ. It uses at its foundation the same type of oxygen producing formulation as Oxy E, a deuterium fortified water with 84 minerals, 39 enzymes, 19 amino acids. Well, that is a bit more enzymes and amino acids than usual. Quite a few improvements have been made to it to make it a much better product. First and foremost, it contains therapeutic levels of DHQ which on its own is a powerful free radical scavenger that also conditions red blood cells so that they are more flexible and work better. Increasing circulation. Next a special Vitamin C, ascorbo-phoshpate, is added. This makes the DHQ work even better - and is about 16 times more potent than regular vitamin C. These two additions alone up the anti-cancer levels significantly, and may be able to extend healthy cell life up to 240% in test tubes.
It will also have 15% sea ormus - which brings in that healing force of energetic frequencies to OxyDHQ. Over the next few years you’ll be hearing a lot more about ormus.
It’s creation of free oxygen and hydrogen helps to stabilize toxic elements in the body by polar bonding and electrical charge, to create new unharmful elements and leaves the harmful compounds inert or soluble. In other words, to detoxify the body. The hydrogen ions release by OxyDHQ work with the oxygen ions to normalize pH levels. Bringing them up if too acidic, down if too alkaline.
OxyDHQ, as an electrolyte, has the ability to stimulate healthy cell growth by adding the proper amounts of voltage to the cell. In addition, this increases cellular energy, just what you want to prevent cancer growth.. It also kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi. But does not harm beneficial microorganisms.
OxyDHQ comes in a more convenient 4 ounce bottle. This gives you better value for a better product. For early stage cancers, consider using 3 bottles a month. Advanced cancers are handled better by using 4 bottles monthly. An adult would use 5 bottles a month for end stage cancers. Again, this is right at the top of anti-cancer supplements when used in these high dosages, a superb 693 for fighting cancer. As OxyDHQ is acidic, not everyone can use it. If you are not able to handle acidic drinks like orange juice, or if you are throwing up liquids and everything else, get Zeo3 instead. It is almost as good when used in high quantities, it is not acidic, and you spray it into the mouth so you don't have to drink a bunch of liquid with it, though it would be good to do so if possible.
Zeo3 is another unique oxygenation product that gets oxygen into cells, increases pH and even supplies a bit of zeolite. It's principal benefit is oxygenation and improving the alaklinity of your body. It is not as good to use as OxyDHQ but it is close. The energy in a water molecule can be measured by the hydrogen bond angle. In general this varies from 101 degrees (dead water) to 109 degrees (high). In steam the angle increases to 120 degrees because of its high energy. Zeo3 undergoes a proprietary process involving thousands of heating and cooling cycles in an ozonated chamber to produce a highly functional, purified water with an increased hydrogen bond angle. In essence this is exactly the process water goes through in nature, heating (evaporation), cooling (rain) and ozonation as the water vapor high in the atmosphere is exposed to sunlight. This process loads up the water in Zeo3 with the following components:
Zeo3 is fully charged with oxygen levels at around 38%. Tap water comes in at only 8 to 10% oxygen. It is full of electrons from the extra hydrogen ions in the water. Vitamins need electrons to bring them to life. Pathogens and viruses are killed by electrons and oxygen. Old age creeps in as you lose electrons. Because of how it's made (it has extra electrons in the water), Zeo3 is a natural storehouse of electrons that your body uses in countless ways.
In addition, a high concentration of proprietary humic and fulvic acid extract that has been prepared with zeolite added to it. Humic and Fulvic acid come from soil organic matter, and are powerful antioxidants and free-radical scavengers. The humic acid’s “molecular baskets” pick up the smallest zeolite particles, making them soluble, and then the new solution is filtered at 0.02 microns which is a “sub-cellular” size – they can easily enter into the cells to revive and regenerate. Not as potent as Zeolite Enhanced, but a useful addition.
Next they are energized with paramagnetic Aulterra and Shamir minerals. Trace amounts of these two remarkable materials are added to the solution prior to bottling. Each has distinct energetic properties that enhance the availability and absorption of the nutrients within the Zeo3.
Zeo3 improves overall hydration and increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Use 7 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 10 bottles a month for advanced stage cancers, and 12 bottles a month for end stage cancers. That's 70, 100 or 120 quick sprays 4 times a day - ideally after having drunk a cup or two of water or juice each time. Energetic testing puts its healing power when dealing with cancer when used at these high levels at 627.
Support Your Cell's Ability To Utilize Oxygen
Another valuable aspect to this issue of defeating cancer is repairing the mitochondria and enabling it to better utilize oxygen to produce energy. There are two types of supplements we know of that help specifically with this. The first one will be covered fully in the following section on Methlyglyoxal. Koch Energy. This 2 ounce bottle of liquid is a frequency delivery supplement that contains the original energies Dr. Koch developed years ago to fight cancers. One of its functions is to stimulate repair of the mitochondria that have been damaged by free radicals and lack of oxygen in the cells. Overall, it comes in at 352 on the energetic testing for use against cancer when used in the suggested quantities, 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 6 bottles monthly for advanced cancer. DCA or Dichloroacetate works to reactivate mitochondria function and has been the subject of a bit of research. Energetic testing puts it at 230 for fighting cancer.
A supplement vital for the production of energy in the mitochondria is CoEnzymeQ10. CoQ10 is used in the mitochondria to transport oxygen. If a cell doesn't have CoQ10, it can't produce energy aerobically, and it is more likely to become a cancerous cell. It must be there for your cells to produce energy using oxygen. This is especially important in elderly patients whose levels are usually quite low. In fact, after about age 35, people start using more CoQ10 than they make. As you will read below, Coq10 has a history of use and success with cancer.
(It is also vital for congestive heart failure which is often just Co-Q10 deficiency. If you take statin drugs, you need CoQ10. Those drugs block the production of CoQ10 and cause tens of thousands of deaths yearly from congestive heart failure.)
There are several types of CoQ10 on the market. Cheap stuff from China. Energetic testing puts its healing power at 30. Good quality CoQ10 from Japan comes in at 100. There is a new increased absorption ubiquinol form that comes in higher still at 238. Much more effective. The most effective is the ester delivery system Q10 suggested below. Part of its increased benefit is due to the oxygen enhancing germanium in it. Energetic testing puts Ge-ProCoQ10 Max at a powerful 534 when therapeutic doses of 6 bottles a month are used to fight early stage cancer and 7 bottles a month are used for advanced stage cancer.
Ge-ProCoQ10 Max
Interest in coenzyme Q10 as a potential treatment for cancer began in 1961 when a deficiency of the enzyme was noted in the blood of cancer patients. Low blood levels of coenzyme Q10 have been found in patients with myeloma, lymphoma, and cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, head and neck. Most of the original research on CoQ10 centered on the treatment of heart failure, but two older journal articles highlight it's potential in combating cancer and maintaining a cancer free life. A Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications paper (April 15, 1993;192:241-5 - Folkers), presents anecdotal results of 10 cancer patients given CoQ10 for heart failure. One example is a 48-year-old man started taking daily CoQ10 17 years before after a diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer. He has been symptom free of heart failure and cancer since then.
A European cancer specialist Knud Lockwood, M.D., also presented his treatment of 32 "high-risk" breast cancer patients in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (March 30, 1994;199:1504-8). Employing antioxidant vitamins, essential fatty acids, and CoQ10, he reported "No patient died and all expressed a feeling of well-being" and "These results are remarkable since about 4 deaths would have been expected. Now, after 24 months, all still survive; about 6 deaths would have been expected."
New CoQ10 research in 2005 performed at the University of Miami Medical School is even more impressive, Researchers reported that in laboratory and animal studies where CoQ10 was delivered to cancer cells and tissues, it induced apoptosis, which is the normal programmed cell death that goes awry in the disease process.
"The most amazing part is that we've been able to restore a cancer cell's ability to kill itself, while not impacting normal cells," said Niven Narain, research associate in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine.Scientists made two presentations at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Anaheim, Ca. The first presentation involved the most common prostate cancer cell line, PC3. The researchers showed that adding CoQ10 to the cells in vitro, or in the laboratory, there was a 70 percent inhibition of cell growth over 48 hours.
"We saw evidence that the remarkable reduction in cell growth was due to apoptosis, showing that CoQ10 restored the ability of the cancer cells to kill themselves," said Narain.In the second presentation, the researchers showed that CoQ10 greatly inhibited the proliferation of breast cancer cells, while providing a stabilizing effect on the normal mammary cells.
"This suggests to us that CoQ10 could be an effective adjuvant anti-tumor agent in breast carcinomas," said Indushekhar Persaud, research associate in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine."
Ge-ProCoQ10 Max is the new standard in CoQ10 supplementation. The solubility and absorbability of CoQ10 in Ge-ProCoQ10 has been increased by using esters to make it more bioavailable. Human trials show that taking it results in 18 times higher serum levels of CoQ10 than the same amount of standard CoQ10.
Human Trials show that at just 30 mg per day, ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans by 51%. It was also shown to shrink human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks. Now 30 mgs is a small dosage. The amount of ProCoQ10 in this product is 200 mg per capsule. At 18 times better absorption, this is equivalent to the amount absorbed in 3600 mg of the old style, normal CoQ10. Therapeutic usage of the old style CoQ10 is 300 mg a day, so you get much much more with Ge-ProCoQ10.
Ge-ProCoQ10 contains another powerful oxygenation promoting ingredient, Organic Germanium 132.
Germanium132 improves cellular oxygen levels. It is an oxygen-rich organic form of germanium which has been studied for its antiviral, immuno-stimulative and free-radical scavenging actions, and for supporting improved oxygen utilization. Studies have shown Germanium 132 protects cells against radiation damage. Since radiation damage is oxidative, this protection suggests it has strong antioxidative activity. Germanium 132 also increases the production of interferon, which helps activate immune system macrophages and T-suppressor cells, and enhances Natural Killer Cell activity. Each capsules supplies 50 mg of this organic germanium.
Each Ge-ProCoQ10-Max capsule provides 350mg Soluble Rice Bran Complex (SRBC) which is 100% usable and absorbable... with a full spectrum of health-restoring nutrients that man-made supplements can never provide. It is completely digestible because only the soluble part of the stabilized rice germ and bran is used. When taking just one capsule you receive the equivalent nutrition of a pound of ordinary brown rice, without all the starch.This nutritious Rice Complex strongly supports maximum absorption of ProCoQ10 - and further enhances its far ranging benefits.
It provides a broad range of antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand times more effective than vitamin E. Also natural B-Vitamins that boost energy, stamina and help stabilize blood sugar. (Including natural B-Vitamins that cannot be synthesized such as Pangamic Acid.) It is a natural source of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Squalene and IP6.
For best results, and the dosage that give the high energetic testing of 534, with early stage cancers use 6 bottles of GeProCoQ10 Max a month, 6 capsules a day. Increase to 7 bottles a month for advanced cancers.
Improve Oxygenation Of Cells (and Nutrient Absorption) By Increasing Circulation
One cause of poor oxygenation is poor circulation. If oxygen cannot be transported to cells because of reduced circulation, then they become oxygen starved and are more likely to become cancerous. When circulation increases, oxygenation improves. In addition, more nutrients will be carried into the cells. So one of the advantages of adding on one of the following two circulation increasing products is that using either or both would increase the effectiveness of the other supplements you are taking. The first supplement gives you a couple other important anti-cancer benefits also.FlamOxide
There are three main benefits FlamOxide will give to you as part of a protocol to beat cancer. It improves circulation, kills cancer cells and is a strong anti-inflammatory supplement. The basis of FlamOxide is an array of minerals, herbs, vitamins and amino acids that when taken together, stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide serves many functions in the body. Your immune system uses it to kill pathogens like candida and viruses, and to kill cancer cells.Nitric Oxide also signals blood vessels to dilate or expand, thus improving circulation throughout the body. FlamOxide if very good at producing additional nitric oxide, and thus is excellent for improving circulation. And finally, while most anti-inflammatory supplements and medicines interfere with the production of nitric oxide, FlamOxide contains two anti-inflammatory herbs that do not interfere with nitiric oxide production. Making it an excellent anti-inflammatory supplement.
One of the issues when fighting cancer, especially if the tumor is in the brain, or against the spine, or anywhere else that you don't want it to get any larger, is that when you start to kill off cancer cells in a tumor, the immune system gets rid of the dead cancer cells in an inflamatory process. Thus even though you are killing off the cancer cells, the tumor may inflame and get even bigger temporarily. This can put pressure on the brain or spine if the tumor is located in these locations, causinng problems. FlamOxide is expecially valuable and important to take in this case.
Overall, for fighting cancer, with its ability to increase circulation, kill cancer cells, and reduce inflammation, FlamOxide tests energetically at a high 464 as an anti-cancer supplement when taking the maximum dosage of 3 capsules 3 times a day, 3 bottles a month.
It has a couple of potential drawbacks. You must take it at least an hour away from food, drugs or poor quality suupplements. And you cannot be taking anti-inflamatory drugs or supplements like Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofin, or supplements like glucosamine and MSM. They inhibit the production of nitric oxide and thus it doesn't work as well. But of course, FlamOxide itself will deal with the inflammation. If Flamoxide won't work for you , but you wish to increase circulation so that more oxygen and nutrients can get to your cells, get the following herbal formula.
Life Support
Life Support is a herbal formula designed to increase circulation. It contains some of the most powerful herbal circulation enhancers known. Cayenne, Wasabi Japonica, Cinnamon Bark, Ashwagandha Root, and the B vitamin Niacin - in a base of Beet Root Powder. Use of these herbs increases the ability of the body to oxygenate the cells, and enables more cancer killing nutrients to get into cancer cells. Thus helping to increase the efficiency of all the other supplements and medications you take.
Not only can it increase circulation so significantly that you may notice an increase in energy, but the wasabi that Life Support contains is a strong cancer killer on it's own, containing compounds, including isothiocynates, effective against cancer. In six different studies, extracts from wasabi have been shown repeatedly to be effective against stomach cancer cells. One compound from wasabi inhibited the growth of colon, lung and stomach cancer cells by as much as 44 percent (Weil 2005). When combined with the other circulation enhancing herbs in Life Support, the wasabi phytonutrients are better able to get into cancerous cells. Because Life Support increases circulation, it is able to increase the amount of nutrients that can get into your cells to support your body. Including of course, oxygen. And it is able to increase the amount of cancer cell killers that can get into cancer cells.
Use three to four bottles of Life Support monthly. Especially if your circulation is poor and FlamOxide doesn't work for you. (Or use both together for the biggest increase in circulation.) Energetic testing on Life Support puts it at 300 in healing power if you have poor circulation, 213 if your circulation is good because it is not as important in that case.
Next, something to oxygenate the colon.
O3Right Releases Oxygen In The Colon
Its special formulation of magnesium dioxide and citric acid interact with the acids in the intestinal tract to release oxygen. This oxygen becomes a powerful colon cleanser as it softens and loosens the hardened matter in the colon. And of course, as you have read, the oxygen will kill cancer cells and other pathogens. So for colon and rectal cancer it energetically tests at 327. It is also useful for other cancer near the colon where the oxygen released by O3Right will easily travel to. Cleaning the colon is also quite valuable in the fight against cancer as it will enable your body to better detoxify. You only need to use one bottle a month of this product. Start out taking just 1 capsule at bedtime and gradually work up to taking 6 capsules nightly.The next strategy is also intimately tied up with oxygen levels in your body. When your pH level is low, your blood and cellular fluids can hold very little oxygen.
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