10 October 2009

Cancer Strategy #7

Cancer Strategy #7 - Reduce Toxicity & Support Detox Organs

Toxicity is certainly one of main underlying causes of cancer. If fact, if you have cancer, your body is toxic. Dead cancer cells are highly toxic. To protect your health, ease detoxification symptoms, and to better fight cancer, you need to detoxify and to support your detoxification organs so they don't get overwhelmed.
As with the candida strategy above, a couple of the top cancer fighters in this report happen to be two of the best detoxifiers you can get. That would be the OxyDHQ and Zeolite (both Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and Zeolite Powder).
OxyDHQ creates oxygen which is a powerful detoxifier. In fact, it's detoxification power is the main reason you need to start taking OxyDHQ in smaller doses and gradually increase dosage size until you get to the full dosage.
The very core of what Zeolite does is that it first absorbs toxins, including the hard to get rid of heavy metals. It grabs hold of them and carries them out of the body without your liver having to handle them. As OxyDHQ and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ are two of the most important supplements to use for fighting cancer, this section is going to focus more on detoxification organ support, helping your body deal with the dead cancer cells, which are highly toxic, and the toxic overload from chemotherapy.
Let's start by suggesting a supplement for cleaning out the colon. This is especially important for colon cancer. It was first mentioned in the Oxygenation Strategy - O3Right - Not only does O3Right create oxygen in the colon which can help with the fight against colon or rectal cancer, but it softens any crud on the intestinal wall so that the magnesium in it can move it out of the body. Use a bottle a month. For cleaning out the colon, energetic testing comes in at 439 for O3Right.
Next let's introduce you to a product that replenishes your body's main cellular detoxifier and anti-oxidant, Glutathione.
Glutathione PleoLyposome
When you have a build-up of toxins in your body, as you do with cancer - and especially if you have had or are receiving chemotherapy, the glutathione levels in your cells ( your liver also uses a great deal of glutathione to neutralize toxins) become depleted, and toxins build up in your body. This is because glutathione is your body's primary cellular detoxifier and antioxidant. Depleted levels always occur with chronic ill health situations like cancer.
Glutathione is an amino acid, and thus is available in vitamins. Unfortunately, especially so for something this important, free glutathione as a supplement is not absorbed by your cells. Whether you take it in pill form or via injections, almost none gets into your cells or the liver. For years health practitioners have tried to come up with a way to get glutathione into cells. The only solution available before Glutathione PleoLyposome, was to consume undenatured whey protein like ImmunoPro or RenewPro. The amino acids in this type of whey can be used by the body to make glutathione. However, this process works slowly, and requires that you be able to properly digest the proteins.
Glutathione PleoLyposome has changed all this. I consider it a real breakthrough in detoxification, for any situation where toxins must be eliminated from the cells, like autism, Parkinson's, MS, and other autoimmune diseases.
The Glutathione in G Pleolyposome has been bonded with a pure, high-quality essential phospholipid of Omega 3's and Omega 6's in a four to one ratio. This is good in its own right. Because this phospholipid is identical to the composition of your cell walls and blood brain barrier, it is very well absorbed into your cells. This enables the Glutathione to be directly carried into your cells with virtually 100% absorption. Using Glutathione PleoLyposome, you can more rapidly and effectively detoxify your cells then you can with any other product.
Using Glutathione PleoLyposome is probably most important if you are suffering from nausea and other side effects of chemotherapy. While Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is known to have helped with this issue, Glutathione PleoLyposome can make a real difference with this. Energetic testing puts it's ability to help deal with the side effects of chemotherapy at an extremely high 742.
The more you use, the faster the results. There are 10 teaspoons of liquid in a bottle. While a bottle a week, 1 1/2 teaspoons a day is the usual therapeutic dosage, as much as half a bottle a day can be used in life and death situations. It does have cancer fighting abilities. Energetic testing puts its cancer fighting ability at 210.
Glutathione may inhibit the cancer cell killing abilities of vitamin C, selenium, melatonin, curcumin, ellagic acid, vitamin D and vitamin K. These all work by generating reactive oxygen species which are counteracted by glutathione. While it is a great detoxifier, you may want to moderate it's use if you are taking these or similar cancer fighting supplements.
Supporting the liver and kidneys will help to minimize detoxification side effects and be a significant help in detoxifying your body. The kidneys flush waste toxins from the body. Every muscle, organ, bone and tissue you have depends on the kidneys to keep them free from corrosive salts and chemicals. The liver filters and cleans the blood, breaks down toxic substances, and tries to deal with the overwhelming amount of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to when battling cancer.
UltraLiver8, Liver Balance Plus, Kidney Rescue and Lymph Drainage
Liver Balance Plus and Kidney Rescue are herbal formulas that are designed to work together to support the function of these two organs. (Seasonal Rescue supports both organs too.) If you are embarking on a cancer fighting program which will detoxify your body, taking both the Liver Balance Plus and the Kidney Rescue will help you avoid some of the detoxification symptoms. Best results come from using 3 to 4 bottles of Liver Balance Plus per month, 24 to 32 tablets a day, and 2 to 3 bottles of Kidney Rescue a month, 12 to 18 tablets a day. Less can be used.
This would enable you to more rapidly increase the amounts of the cancer fighting supplements you take, and can even help prevent death that sometimes occurs from to rapid killing of the highly toxic cancer cells in people who are in weakened states.
UltraLIver8 focuses on liver support too. Its main ingredient also happens to be a top medicinal mushroom for fighting cancer, Reishi. Which is also great for the liver.
It makes use of the herbs Triphala and Burdock as the two other major ingredients for liver support. With additional ingredients to enhance assimilation and use. None of the ingredients in UltraLiver8 are used in Liver Balance Plus so these two products form a good combo for liver detoxification support. Best results come from using 3 to 4 bottles of UltraLIver8 per month, that's 9 to 12 capsules a day. As with all herbs, best to take with meals but can be done anytime.
Lymph Drainage is a homeopathic formula that gets your lymph system moving. When you kill of cancer cells, or ar exposed to a lot of toxins through chemotherapy, your lymph system can get clogged up and stagnant and can't get rid of toxins. Use a couple of 2 ounce bottles a month of Lymph Drainage to improve the flow of your lymph system. Lymph Drainage is especially important if you have cancer in the lymph system. Then it becomes one of the more valuable supplements to be using - after you get some good cancer killers.
Energetic testing puts the value each has for supporting detoxification and helping the body deal with dead cancer cells and the toxins from chemotherapy at: Liver Balance Plus - 394, UltraLiver8 - 438, Kidney Rescue - 329, and Lymph Drainage at 296 when the cancer is not in the lymph system, and at 793 if you do have cancer in the lymph system.

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