Cancer Strategy #10: Energetically Fight Cancer
we have tested...
When we started writing this report years ago, work on energetically enhancing your body's ability to fight cancer and improve health was in its infancy. As a consequence, fighting cancer energetically seemed something useful to do, not vital but it made sense. Quantum physics had proven that everything was essentially energy so why not work from this basic level? Visionary health professionals talked about how, in the future, energetic medicine would be the strongest form of healing. Now this vision is becoming reality.
At that time we recommended products like an energized water pitcher that increased the vibratory energy of the water you drink. As cancer cells have very low vibration, the high energies could disrupt the cancer cells. These products were good, but not great, and when we test them energetically now, they come in at 200. The granddaddy of energetic devices, a Rife Machine, tests energetically for fighting cancer at 120. Better is the Vibe Machine which comes in at 233. Some Indian Healing Stones with low dose radiation test even better at 310.
With the development and release of a series of powerful frequency enhanced elixirs starting in May of 2008, using energetic frequencies to fight cancer is now possible. The Elixirs we are going to tell you about are proving to be powerful healing supplements and cancer fighters.
The principle they work on is simple. Research has shown that water will vibrate at the energetic frequencies they have been exposed to. The developer of these elixirs has been able to concentrate and stabilize these frequencies so that when you take a little of these elixirs, the fluid in your cells also picks up this vibration and respond to it. The elixir is essentially delivering a message to your cells. Depending on the vibrations being delivered, the cells will be stimulated and influenced to respond in a variety of ways. This is essentially what homeopathy does. The difference lies in how the elixirs are energized, and in the fact that these energies have the ability to stimulate healing in the body.
Before vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, before tissue pH, before any molecular component can play a role in facilitating human health, your cells are reliant on electricity. The human body generates 3 volts of electricity. This energy is used by the brain to send signals, by the heart to respond to stimuli and is used by every cell to communicate with each other in order to facilitate cellular change. A drop in electrical activity is most noticeable in terminal patients that are "wasting away".
These Energy Elixirs enhance and energize your body's electrical activity with the special energetic frequencies that they give to your body when you take them. Let's go over them, starting with the most important one to use when fighting cancer.
Custom Elixir RAD
Custom Elixir RAD has been imbued with vibrations from healing stones found in the SouthWestern part of the United States. 100% of the strength of the vibrations in RAD are directed towards destroying the low frequency vibration cancer cells and pathogens such as candida, viruses, molds and mycoplasma. Its powerful vibrational energy simply overwhelms the low energetics of the cancerous cells and the pathogens until they no longer are able to survive.
Custom Elixir RAD is at the top of this list of elixirs useful for fighting cancer because it is so powerful, it is off the scale. Way off the scale. The scale for our energetic testing is supposed to stop at 1000, with 1000 being as good as you can get. However, this elixir is so strong, compared to other elixirs or supplements, it comes in at an amazing 1933.
Comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. Use 2 to 4 bottles monthly. There are a few more super strong elixirs, mentioned below.
Life Force Elixir
Life Force Elixir is a frequency enhanced energized water elixir that focuses its energies on influencing the physical body. We could have put this elixir in the oxygenation section, and perhaps we should, because its energies focus on improving the utilization of oxygen in the cells. You may experience a sense of better breathing when using Life Force Elixir. The energies it transfers to your body stimulate repair of cellular mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the energy producing factories in your cells, converting oxygen to energy when working properly. Damage to the mitochondria caused by low oxygen levels, stops the cell's ability to produce energy aerobically using oxygen. This can cause the cell to turn cancerous.
Life Force Elixir works in conjunction with GeProCoQ10 and OxyDHQ to improve the ability of cells to produce energy aerobically. Its frequencies also work to increase efficiency of oxygen exchange, helping move oxygen to enter cells. Both of these actions are fundamental to reversing the conditions that cause cancer.
Next, Life Force helps to boost the immune system response in a manner similar to the way mushrooms boost immune system response, increasing T-cell and Natural Killer Cell activity. Finally, the vibrational frequencies in Life Force may kill pathogens and cancerous cells.
Like all the other elixirs, it comes in a 2 ounce bottle. For overall health and well-being this elixir is unexcelled. It influences the body so strongly, energetic testing comes in at a higher level than perfect, coming in at 1533 on a scale that is supposed to end at 1000. Thus it is useful for virtually any type of health condition.
Comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. Use 2 to 4 bottles monthly.
Creation Elixir
Creation Elixir also tests energetically as better than perfect, 1433 on a scale that normally peaks at 1000. Of course, you don't want to focus only on energetics when dealing with cancer, but Creation Elix, Life Force Elixir, and Custom Elixir RAD will promote healing and fights cancer better than any substance and procedure we know of. It doesn't mean that they will wipe out a tough cancer on their own, though they could. It does mean that they work more vigorously than most other supplements at improving your health. Here's how Creation Elixir works.
Creation Elixir works to stop the pathological sequence of all disease. It stops the negative reciprocating cycle of inflammation and cell destruction that leads to chronic ill health. All disease is based on these negative reciprocating cycles that build on themselves. This causes the body to be trapped in disease cycles that our body's innate mechanisms cannot stop without some sort of input. The frequency vibrations instilled in Creation Elixir are able to halt these negative disease causing inflammation and cellular destruction cycles that destroy health in a much more effective manner than anything else available in mainstream or alternative medicine.The other factor that is absolutely essential in healing the body is cellular regeneration. Without doing so the impact of stopping the negative cycle of inflammation and cell destruction will not make a lot of difference. The reason why Creation Elixir is so effective is that it is also able to bring about cellular regeneration which must be related to dramatically increasing stem cell production in the body and super organizing the genetic structure behind cell replication. The energies that Creation Elixir inputs into the body vigorously stimulate cellular regeneration.
The energies in Creation Elixir disrupt and kill cancer cells. In addition they stimulate the immune system response against cancer. And in a smaller way, it normalizes cancer cells so that they die a natural cell death.
Comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. Use 2 to 4 bottles monthly. Below is our next most powerful elixir in overall healing.
Custom Elixir C
Custom Elixir C was developed specifically for fighting cancer. And it does a very good job at just that. Energetic testing puts it cancer fighting power at a high 863.
The frequencies it transfers to your body disrupt and kill cancer cells. That's about 70% of what it does. Enhancing cellular communication so that the immune system can better identify and thus attack, cancer cells is the remaining 30% of its activity.
All the elixirs come in two ounce dropper bottles. Anywhere from one to three dropper squeezes of whatever elixirs you may be using can be taken together and held in the mouth for a minute before swallowing. They must be taken at least 20 minutes away from any other food, drink or supplements so that the energies can better be transferred to the body.
For an early stage cancer you would need 2 bottles per month. Advanced stage cancers require 3 bottles monthly for best results. Very advanced cancer may need 4 bottles monthly.
Clear Circuit Elixir
Because it doesn't focus as much as the Custom Elixir C on killing cancer cells, it is not as quite as potent for cancer. Energetic testing put is at a still very high 495 in healing power. Add on an herbal formulation designed to support what this elixir does, the Clear Circuit Herbal Formula, and the healing power increases to 531. The herbal formula uses 7 herbs chosen for their traditional use in supporting the immune system. They are all highly nutritious, tonic and cleansing herbs which help increase circulation and cellular communication. They are all organically grown: Shavegrass, Clover flowers, whole Yarrow plant, Borage, Nettle leaves, Celandine and Fennel Seed. They provide nutrients that enhance cellular communication. Working in conjunction with the communication enhancing Clear Circuit energies.
The Clear Circuit Elixir energies do more than disrupt cancer cells and enhance the immune systems ability to fight cancer, though they do that also. They support the detoxification organs, and in general give the body much more life force energy. So the worse off someone is, the more likely they will need this elixir combo and the other elixirs described below to help keep someone alive and kicking till the cancer can be eliminated.
The Clear Circuit energies come from tapping into the quantum, formative process of the Universe, that which keeps us healthy and alive. Using the decoded information of ancient manuscripts, this elixir contains and delivers the information of over 2200 energetic circuits, creating a subtle flow of vibrational signals, prompting long-lasting quantum coherence. This coherence brings about powerful changes on an atomic and molecular level for all chemical structure and function in the body.
Clear Circuit Pendant
This pendant is a small hard plastic disk encoded with the 2200 energetic circuits. So it emits as a subtle vibrations these energies. Wear it around your neck, keep it in a pocket, put in under your pillow, tape it over your cancer. It will intensify the energies the Clear Circuit Elixir delivers to your body. Or get it by itself. As a one time purchase it is a less expensive way of exposing your body to these energies for a long period of time. The pendant is not as powerful as the elixir, it comes in at 350 in the energetic testing.
Quantum X
Along with the Clear Circuit Elixir, Quantum X is the second of the two super elixirs, delivering healing energies that are much stronger and more intense than the other elixirs. For fighting cancer it comes in at 410. It delivers a different type of energetic frequency than the Clear Elixir. And so supports the body in a different way. All the other elixirs below do also.The healing force and life energy they all supply to the body is most important for people with end stage cancers. That's because the energy in these elixirs is so powerful and works in such a profound manner, taking these elixirs may be enough to keep someone alive long enough for them to literally beat cancer. At least it gives someone a better shot. They supply a hugh amount of life force energies to the body and support all aspects of health - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
All these elixirs use the ancient model of healing based on subtle vibration and energy to discharge patterns of disease. Energy healing has been used for thousands of years in many cultures throughout the world via a wide spectrum of modalities from breathing and movement techniques, to meditation, acupuncture and natural herbal remedies. What brings about dramatic healing from the above-mentioned energy modalities is the transfer of subtle energy to the cells guided by vibration. The importance of vibration can not be overstated in terms of how subtle energy communicates with our cells, enabling them to change their structure and function. Vibration encodes how the energies are used by the cells.
Quantum X encourages cells to release their toxins and establish a new pattern of repair. This supports wellness at all levels; physical mental and emotional. The energies in Quantum X work on the quantum level of basic matter and energy units. They influence the chemical structure of the cells and intra-cellular constituents to be rebuilt to a new model of health.
Below are the 13 remaining Energetic Elixirs listed in order of their healing power. We divide them up into the Top 4 elixirs as part of All 13 elixirs. You could use the Top 4 Elixirs only for an early stage cancer, as their healing power is slightly lower at 300. All 13 Elixirs, with their higher healing power of 350 and wider range of frequencies, would be best for an advanced cancer. They all work in slightly different ways - providing different healing energies - to stimulate healing in your body.
13 Additional Elixirs (in order of importance)
Get either the Top 4 or All 13 Elixirs as combos for best value.These elixirs will support the body in many different ways and are suggested for very advanced cancers where you need all the support you can get.
ARC Elixir
The energies that make up this most powerful of all the elixirs are based on the ancient geometry of the golden mean rectangle, the golden mean spiral and their three dimensional organization with ARC of the Covenant geometry. Years ago the developer of these elixirs learned how to use of the energies these geometric shapes subtly produce for healing purposes. And then he figured out how to capture, stabilize and intensify these energies - making the elixirs possible. The technology created with the Arc of the Covenant geometry creates a golden spiral effect to enliven water molecules with sacred geometry structural changes. Giving the elixir a unique and strong healing power. Amrita Nadi Elixir
The Amrita Nadi Elixir works on descending and ascending energies in the spine and chakras. More importantly, it influences a special channel that travels between the sino atrial node of the heart and the crown of the head. From the sino atrial node on the right side of the heart, the opening of the Amrita Nadi vibrates into every cell. More electrical life force energy is produced in this one small part of the heart than the nervous system and all other cells combined.Amrita Nadi translates as the Immortal Current of Bliss Energy. The elixir will open this energy channel and radiate bio electric and life force energy into every cell. This elixir is amplified by technology that is connected to sacred energy sites around the planet. Not only could this elixir create healing miracles by opening the Amrita Nadi from the bio electric heart center, but may also help a person to relax into, and abide in, an effortless state of consciousness.
Grail Elixir
The energies that make up this elixir come from the sacred geometries associated with the Holy Grail that are found in many traditions. A high level of light energy is connected to the body when taking this elixir, which is said to bring about the transmutation of denser energies into that of clear light of very high purity. We do know that is one of the more potent elixirs.Love Elixir
The Shweta (white) Matsya Shaligram Shila healing stone used to make Love Elixir is said to give out the energy of unconditional love. Love Elixir's healing capability has its foundation in the expression of unconditional love on a cellular level. Books have been written the healing power of love. This elixir may provide, at the cellular level, just a bit of that love. Adding this elixir to the over all combination of elixirs will give some of the healing powers of unconditional love to the user. 100% of its benefit is boosting the healing powers of the body with the energy of unconditional love. What is missing in most people’s lives, especially when in ill health, is Unconditional Love. The Love Elixir connects a person with this. The following elixirs comprise the rest of the 13 Energized Elixirs which would be one of the more important product suggestions for advanced cancers.
Trinity Elixir
Trinity Elixir is energized with the healing energies of three rare Salagrama Sila healing stones each working in slightly different ways. One is focused on absolute Purity, one on absolute Tranquility and the other on Infinity. Or so they were described by the Vedic experts who used them. These are three of most powerful Salagrams in the world, as acknowledged by the Vedic and Ayurvedic experts in India who have used them. The Trinity Elixir may literally eat up disease, producing results much faster, and giving the individual using it greater life force and healing power. 40% of its benefit is boosingt the healing Life Force in the body. 60% comes from its ability to energetically disrupt cancer cells.Cosmic Elixir
This elixir is made by using Tantric methods on a Shaligram Shilas healing stone, enhanced by a sacred meteorite that focuses energy. Tantrik implies relationship, and thus the Cosmic Elixir helps create a resonance between cells, and between a person and the environment. This is necessary to bring about complete healing.The meteorite and Salagrams have been used by Tantric practitioners for eons. When you consume Cosmic Elixir, its effects can be described as attracting the forces of nature to bring about immediate and direct change on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 40% of its effect is psychological, subtly getting someone into a better state of mind to fight cancer. 60% is physical as it enhances the immune systems ability to fight cancer cells.
Rainbow Elixir
The Rainbow Elixir is made with a totally white Shaligram Shila that brings all the colors of the rainbow to the cells of the body. This corrects imbalances in the aura (electromagnetic field) around the body. This elixir creates a better environment for light energy to function on a cellular level. As light is used by cells to communicate, Rainbow Elixir improves cellular communication. Immortality Elixir
In Tibetan medicine there exists a special stone that was activated through secret methods over two thousand years old. This activation method creates stones that connect the human body to the organizing power of life force energy. By consuming just very small amounts of water energized by this process, Immortality Elixir, cellular aging may slow down because it gives the genetic level of the body the capacity to fight against disease, and promotes the strongest level of health in cells. 70% of its activity when fighting cancer is to prevent cells from becoming cancerous. 30% of its activity is making cancer cells normal so they can die a natural cell death.
InLightener is made with a very powerful Maha Laxmi Shaligram in order to amplify light energy in the cells. This has important implications for improving immune system response. The immune system can be perceived as a very complex and vast communication system, and on the most fundamental level, the immune system cells exchange information via light impulses. The light energy in InLightEner greatly enhances the cells communicate via light (photons). The vibrational information in InLightEner allows light energy to create faster and more coherent cell to cell communication to defeat disease, and to defend against disease before it can get started. The US Navy did research on how the cells communicate via light, and found that increasing the speed and efficiency of cellular communication has a profound effect on reversing mutation tendencies in DNA mechanisms. InLightEner also has an influence on the speed and response of the nervous system. This increased efficiency helps fight and prevent cancer of all kinds as well as many other diseases. 40% of its benefit comes from its ability to improve the immune system by enhancing cellular communication. 40% is its ability to enhance the Life Force in the body. 20% of its benefit comes from its ability to disrupt cancer cells.
Dream Time Elixir
This energized elixir is based on Australian Aboriginal healing methods, which involve a sacred stone used by Shamans that is a major source of their power. It is made with a very rare Tektite (even rarer than the Shaligram Shilas), which was used by Aboriginal Shamans in Australia for healing and other supernatural purposes. Dream Time is the primordial cause of everything in Australian Aboriginal Tradition, which is accessible through the Elixir created with this special Tektite. Dream Time Elixir works on our belief systems, helping to change them from a system that leads to poor health to one that creates vibrant health in the body. Salagram Elixir
Salagram Elixir captures the healing energies of a powerful salagrama sila healing stone from India. A stone noted as being so strong the Indian experts who have used this stone say it heals better than all the herbs and supplements put together. Salagram healing stones have frequencies and energies that help to create health by virtue of their power to connect a person to the universal life force of the infinite. About 50% of the benefit this elixir provides for cancer fighting is its ability to disrupt cancer cells. The remaining 50% is its ability to greatly enhance the energy and healing power of the body, enabling it to heal itself. It is made with a Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram Shila.
Vortex Elixir
Vortex Elixir captures vortexing energy created in a small, contained water supply which are supportive of living chemistry at a cellular level. Taking it enhances all the vortexing energy in your body. This comprises all your acupuncture points, the energy chakras, and even the energy traveling up the spine. Thus, it accelerates and enhances the flow of life force energy in your body. Taking Vortex Elixir every day will produce quick and dramatic healing changes on every level: physical, mental and emotional. Made with a very rare type of geode found only in Oregon, United States, this Elixir formula causes life energy flow in the body to become amplified and integrated based on the power of the vortex. The body itself is surrounded by a vortex, each cell is surrounded by a vortex and energy moves through channels and centers in the body based on the power of the vortex. In Chinese Medicine each acupuncture point is regulated by a vortex to allow life energy to reach the cells. 50% of its energies enhance Life Force. 50% improves the flow of energy in your body.
The energies in BioVibe act as an immuno-modulator that is effective for both immune compromised disorders like cancer, or autoimmune disorders. It enhances the electrical interactions and communication between cells which in turn provides optimum health and quality of life. 60% of BioVibe’s effectiveness against cancer comes from its ability to disrupt cancer cells by altering their vibratory frequencies. 40% of its benefit comes from its ability to stimulate and improve immune system response against cancer cells.That's it for these energized elixirs. They all come in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. They can be taken all at the same time, by putting them first into a glass, or one right after the other. Hold each or all of the dropper squeezes in your mouth for one minute before swallowing. Wait at least 20 minutes after ingesting any drink or food and wait at least 20 minutes after taking them to eat or drink.
Next we will tell you about an energized water that is anti-inflammatory and stimulates cellular regenertion.
This is a water that enhances rejuvenation of the cells in your body. Using sacred geometry and other energization processes, this water has been frequency enhanced so that it helps to reduce inflammation, boost the response of the immune system, and most importantly, stimulate cellular regeneration. It appears to be able to rejuvenate the mitochondria of cancerous cells so they are able to produce energy aerobically. This normalizes a cancerous cell and thus allows it to die a natural death. Apoptosis. It is not as effective as the elixirs or the Koch Energy at doing this, with energetic testing results of 200. It's ability to stimulate cellular regeneration makes it part of the Wasting Combo as it stimulates the liver to heal. For this it tests energetically at 435. Using Rejuvin over the years is likely to slow down the effects of aging. It tests energetically at 494 for helping to slow aging. A bottle is a month's supply. For advanced cancers use 3 bottles a month.
Energies To Avoid
It is also important to avoid energies that disrupt the natural energies in your body. That have been shown to lead to cancer.Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) do so. You are exposed to them by electronic appliances. Cell phones, computer screens and microwaves are among the biggest offenders, but even the clock radio by the side of your bed is putting out unhealthy levels of EMFs for a foot or two. Your car puts out quite a bit of it.
Radiation from cell phones can literally eat holes in your blood brain barrier, which functions to prevent toxins from entering the brain. When it is full of holes, toxins get into brain, causing much damage. A Swedish study has found that heavy users of cell phones had a 240 percent increase in brain tumors on the side of their head that the phone was used on. The study defined 'heavy' use as more than 2,000 total hours, or approximately one hour of use per workday for 10 years.
There are two ways you can deal with EMFs. You can try to avoid exposure to them, or you can wear or use an energized product that counters the effect of that radiation to your body's energy field. For example, you can choose to not use a cell phone or any portable phone. But if that is not possible, put a cell phone tab on the phone to neutralize the radiation.
Geopathic stress has been implicated by many alternative health practitioners in Europe as a cause of cancer. Simply put, geopathic stress is unhealthy energy coming from the earth. One cause is underground streams that creates friction that produces the wrong type of energy. Two developers of energized products both had cancer that would not resolve until they were told to check and see if they slept over geopathic stress. They did, changed their sleeping arrangements, and then were able to get well.
A study in England noted that gypsies, even though their diets and smoking habits were poor, were not near as likely to get cancer because they were always moving so were not likely to have been sleeping in an area of geopathic stress for years at a time.
Cell Phone Tabs
The best thing to do regarding Cell Phones is to stay away from them. But if you must use them, get three Cell Phone Tabs to put on each cell phone. This may give as much as 97% protection, according to our energetic testing, from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Even casual use of a cellular phone can damage the DNA in your brain. A study conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington showed that at low levels, exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies caused DNA damage to brain cells of rats resulting in loss of short and long-term memory and slower learning. He noted that DNA damage in cells is cumulative.
A study done at Penn State University concluded that EMF exposure produced no effect for the “first few minutes, . . . then a cascade of microbial destruction occurs." The levels at which damage occurs have been shown to be as low as .024-.0024 W/kg -- much lower than any cellular phone. Some well known alternative health doctors claim that over time, the wide use of cell phones is going to lead to an epidemic of brain cancers. Dr. Mercola feels they are contributing to the continued epidemic of autism among our children.Using an earpiece will not keep you out of danger from EMF exposure. Earpieces can act almost like “conduits” to funnel as much as three times the harmful radiation to your brain. And it turns out the portable phones and their bases can actually produce more EMFs than cell phones.
Put one to three Cell Phone Tabs on each cell phone and cordless phone you have, and on the cordless phone base. Stick one or two on your computer and screen, or any other electrical device you may be exposed to over a period of time, such as a clock by your bed. The tab is a tiny ceramic button. Put them close to the antenna if possible.
According to our latest energetic re-evaluation of the Tabs, using one Tab gives 35% protection from cell phone radiation. Putting two on your phone gives 80% protection, and a maximum of 3 Tabs on your phone provides 97% protection from the harmful effects of cell phones. Energetic testing puts the value of using Cell Phone Tabs, 3 on a phone, at 529. They won't cure a cancer, but may well help prevent you from getting a brain tumor. Use of these tabs is especially valuable for children who are more harmed by the EMF's. Their skulls are much thinner and do not provide as much protection to the brain.
Quantum Touch and Hands Off Healing
The Quantum Touch classes, or their DVD Workshop and Book, teaches anyone how to do hands on healing quickly and easily. Everyone can do it. You learn techniques that have been used and refined for several decades to do hands on healing or even distant healing. You can literally be doing it within an hour or less.
On the first DVD you will hear stories of doctors seeing a white glow around a tumor while Quantum Touch was being done on it. Of tumors literally disappearing through the use of this technique. Doing Quantum Touch helps put you in charge of the healing process.Learning to do Quantum Touch, and doing it, or getting it done for you, comes it at a very high 397 on our energetic testing.
If you would like a hands off, long distance healer to zap you with some good healing energy, contact Michael Limacher. His information is in the resources section. He found as a child he had the gift of healing and has been using this gift all his life. Energetic testing puts his ability to help someone with cancer at 328. Not as strong as Quantum Touch, but you don't have to learn how to do it, and you can get it done right away.
Next we are going to cover that other important but hard to pin down issue that effects your ability to beat cancer, the psychological factor.
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