We will do so by grouping the supplements according to their energetic testing results. Following the logic that the higher potency supplements, with the higher numbers, are more powerful cancer fighters. And the more of these you use, the better. This is born out in practice.
Then we will give you some further tips about the product combinations. But before that, here is a summary of some things to do if you feel you can't afford to purchase supplements. These suggestions have more value than many expensive supplements being used to fight cancer.
Low Or No Cost Suggestions
For starters, stop eating processed, refined, sugarized foods. Eat simple. Whole grains, lots of vegetables. Cut down on animal protein though a little is okay. Try to make that organic. Cut out all sugars, cookies, chips, etc. Now of course, you may not want to change your habits. That's okay, you have every right to live or die as you like.
Adjust pH levels using the baking soda and water protocol. At least 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals to as much as 2 teaspoons per quart of water, and drink 5 quarts a day. This comes in at around 200 for the higher dose.
Even better, buy one bottle of pH Balancer. Crush a tablet. Put some of the crushed tablet on a piece of adhesive tape and tape to the bottom of your right foot, in the middle of the ball of your foot. (Put another piece of tape crosswise over this to hold in place.) Keep it on 24 hours and then replace with more of the tablet which you should store in a small airtight container. One bottle will last six months or more in this manner as there are 90 tablets in a bottle. And it stimulates the balancing of pH levels almost as effectively as taking tablets internally. Energetic testing puts this at 469.
Do the Budwig flax seed protocol. Grind or blend up flax seeds fresh every day or stored in refrigerator, as they are much less expensive than flax oil. Eat a cup a day blended in with cottage cheese or yogurt to enhance absorption. You can make a smoothie with this if you want. Berries are good to use as they are not as sweet as other fruits. Again around a 200.
Get the Zeolite Liquid Ingredients to make a whole lot of liquid zeolite, as good as any zeolite liquid on the market except Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. You can bring down the price of zeolite to around 10 cents an ounce with these ingredients. It is easy to make too. Energetic testing puts this at 331.
If there are relatives or friends who are willing to do hands on healing on the person with cancer, get the Quantum Touch book and learn how to do it. The DVD course with the book is better, but more expensive. Still it is just a one time purchase. Energetic testing put this even higher, at a very strong 397 if it is done twice a day on the person with cancer. About 15 minute sessions each time.
Something the person with cancer can and should do is the Louise Hay healing affirmation for cancer. People have beat cancer using this affirmation.
"I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself."
Following in line with Dr. Hamer's research, Louise Hay says that cancer is connected with deep hurt, long standing resentment. Or a deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Or maybe carrying hatreds or feeling what's the use.
Say the affirmation 10 times a day, in one session is fine. Energetic testing puts this affirmation, when done, at a strong 310. Not as potent as NMT, but something anyone can do for themselves.
The Best For A Low Budget Suggestions
If you are on a limited budget, but can afford to get a few supplements, the products to consider using are pretty straightforward, and simple. They are in order of the most benefit for your bucks:
Custom Elixir RAD, OxyDHQ, the pH Balancer 8.0 usage suggested above, and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ.
The Best Cancer Fighting Supplements We Have Found
This summary groups these supplements according to their energetic testing numbers. Actually anecdotal reports would give about the same groupings. The testing is more accurate, in our opinion, and is what we go by. Even the lowest rated products summarized here are superb cancer fighters, in the 300 range.
We do not include any products in the 200 range or less as they clearly are not worth spending money on compared to the higher rated supplements.
There are so many supplements in the 400 and above range, you are not likely to use any of, or just a few of, the 300 range supplements - unless you are planning on doing as much as you can, and expense is not an over-riding factor. There are just too many more powerful supplements to use.
Other than it does make sense for everyone to get the Vitamin D Forte Emulsified with a 304 rating. It is inexpensive and lasts for months. There are a few others like Defense, Zeolite Powder or Betaine HCL with the HCL Activator that you may want to pick up too as they are relatively inexpensive.
In other words, if your budget is about maxed out with a few of the 600 and higher supplements, but you could spend just a bit more, it might make sense adding on some of the less expensive supplements in the 300 range.
Also, take a look at what you are spending right now on supplements to fight cancer. Chances are very good that most of the supplements or procedures would be in the 200 range or less, and are just not as good as you would have hoped they would be. It would be advantageous to switch to more potent cancer fighting supplements.
In the lists below, along with the supplement name will be the suggested number of bottles to use in a month for an adult - as the ranking for that supplement is based on using that many bottles per month.
The first number is for Early Stage cancer, the second number is for Stage 4 cancer. If a third number is given, it is for very advanced cancers. We will also tell you what section the supplement is in so you can read about it again if you want.
Some of the top supplements work particularly well together. These groupings will be covered also. Let's get started with the stratosphere....
600 and Higher Rated Supplements
Custom Elixir RAD comes in at a way more than perfect 1933. Use 2 or 3 bottles monthly, 4 for very advanced cancers. Energetics section
Life Force Elixir comes in a lot higher than perfect too, 1533. Use 2 or 3 bottles monthly, 4 for very advanced cancers. Energetics section
Creation Elixir comes in off the charts at 1433. Use 2 or 3 bottles monthly, 4 for very advanced cancers. Energetics section
UltraImmune9, newly reformulated, when used in high therapeutic dosages of 6, 9 or 12 90 capsule bottles a month, comes in at 932. That would be using 18, 27 or 36 capsules a day. Immune System
Custom Elixir C is 863. Use 2 or 3 of these 2 ounce bottles per month. Because these highest rated products are energetic in nature, make sure you are also using "hard" products like OxyDHQ , UltraImmune9 or some of the other top products. Energetics
Neuro Modulation Therapy with Luminara Serdar is 798 for people who developed cancer after loss of a loved one, job loss or other high stress situations. If you deal with this, your ability to get rid of the cancer greatly increases. Psychological (Stress)
Fulvitea is 697. Use 4, 6 or 10 containers a month. Very important for dealing with Wasting and for end stage cancers. Enzymes
OxyDHQ comes in at 693 when used in the suggested quantities of 3, 4, or 5 four ounce bottles a month. If you were only able to get, or wanted to use, just one supplement, this would be it. Start with lower doses and gradually increase to full dosage. Oxygenation
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is 643. Use 3, 6 or 9 one ounce bottles a month. Because of its slightly lower cost, ease of use, and less likelihood of causing any sort of healing crisis or stomach upset, if you were just getting one supplement to use, this may be the one to go with. Remember, Zeolite can be used with all chemotherapies - except you must stop taking it 3 days before platinum based chemotherapies and wait 3 days after to restart. Zeolite (Cancer Killers)
Zeo3 is 627. Use 7 to 12 bottles of this spray monthly. Use in place of OxyDHQ if your stomach cannot handle acidic drinks which is what OxyDHQ makes when you put it in water or juice. Oxygenation
OxyDHQ works especially well in combination with our previous longtime top single product to use suggestion of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. And pH Balancer 8.0. With these three you are thoroughly covering alkalinity, oxygenation, detoxification and just plain killing cancer cells.
This combination, when each supplement is taken in the appropriate quantities for the stage of cancer, comes in at 939 on the energetic testing.
UltraImmune9 and OxyDHQ also work together extremely well. Energetic testing puts this combo, when used in the suggested doses, at 1132. Your best value, add UltraImmune9 and the Custom Elixir RAD on to the combo of OxyDHQ, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and pH Balancer 8.0.
Glyco Ultra, the glyconutrient/aloe powder and the Clear Circuit Combo of the Clear Circuit Elixir and the Clear Circuit Herbal Formula, test energetically at 897. You would use one of each for an early stage cancer, 3 of each for an advanced cancer.
500 Rated Supplements
The first three supplements are in a dead heat, closely followed by a couple of others. Glyco Ultra is 568. Use 1 container a month early stage cancer, 3 per month advanced. Immune System
CANcore-1 using 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month - along with 1 bottle of CANcore-2 per month comes in next at 565. Zeolite (Cancer Killers)
Agaricus Enhanced is 543 when used in very high quantities. 12, 14 or 16 bottles a month. This would be expensive. One advantage though is that it is easy to take, being very small 10 ml bottles, so valuable for someone who cannot drink or eat a lot, nor take capsules or tablets. Immune System
GeProCoQ10 Max comes next at 534. Use 6 or 7 of these 30 capsule bottles a month. If you have congestive heart failure, GeProCoQ10 Max is a must to do. In many if not all cases, congestive heart failure is CoQ10 deficiency. Also use a magnesium supplement like Magnesium Fizz when dealing with congestive heart failure. Oxygenation
PRP Factor is 532 when you use 4 bottles per month. You would take 4 sprays 8 times a day and hold each in the mouth a minute. Immune System
Clear Circuit Combo of Clear Circuit Elixir and Clear Circuit Herbal Formula is 531. Use 1 or 3 of each. Energetics
CANcore-4 Blood Purifier is the final 500 rated product. It comes in at 520. Use 1, 2 or 3 of this quart sized bottle per month. Work into this one also. It is potent. Because it focuses on the blood, for any of the blood cancers, such as leukemia or multiple myeloma, it is the number one supplement to consider using, if affordable. Zeolite (Cancer Killers)
400 Rated Supplements
pH Balancer 8.0 is a 499. Use 3, 4 or 5 of these 90 tablet bottles per month. pH LevelsHealth First Grape Seed Extract is a 489. Use 6 or 9 of these 60 capsule bottles a month. Anti-Oxidants or Free Radical Scavengers
Methylglyoxal Combo of 1 900 ml bottle of MG Concentrate and 3 two ounce bottles of Koch Energy is 475. Methylglyoxal
FlamOxide is 464. Use 2 or 3 of these 90 capsule bottles a month. Both pH Balancer 8.0 and FlamOxide are especially valuable when dealing with brain tumors and cancer on the spine. Where you need to reduce inflammation as much as possible. They are excellent anti-inflammatory supplements that help to kill cancer. Oxygenation
Neuro Modulation Technique is 437 for people who have not experienced a high stress situation. Still valuable to do. Psychological (Stress)
Immune Power Herbal Formula is 436. Use 1 or 3 containers of this loose herbal tea a month. Immune System
Oxy E is 432. Use 10, 15, or 18 one ounce liquid drops per month. Not needed if getting OxyDHQ. Oxygenation
Pycnogenol is 431. Not needed if getting the Health First Grape Seed Extract which is more potent and does the same thing. Anti-Oxidants
Quantum X is 410. Use 1 or 3 2 ounce bottles of this frequency enhanced elixir per month. Energetics
300 Rated Supplements
Ellagic Formula with Graviola is 384. Use 3 to 4 180 capsule bottles monthly. Immune SystemDefense is 378. Use 2 or 3 60 capsule bottles monthly. Immune System
Seasonal Rescue is 375. Use 3 to 4 180 tablet bottles monthly. Immune System
PapayaPro is 368. Use 1 or 2 300 gram containers of this powder. Enzymes
YewImune5 is 366. Use 2 or 3 180 capsule bottles monthly. Immune System
Diagnostic Face Reading Book and DVD is 361. This isn't going to kill cancer cells, so this score indicates the usefulness of the information. Review section
Clear Circuit Pendant is 350. Use this if you are getting as much as you can - to work on a tough cancer. Or as it is a one time purchase, use in place of the Clear Circuit Elixir or Combo, as something that works in a similar way, but is less expensive. Energetics
Elixir Combo is 350. Use one set a month. Useful to support the body and detoxification organs in end stage cancers. Energetics
Total Hormone Support is 347. One bottle lasts 2 months in early stage cancer, a bottle a month advanced. Consider using most when fighting estrogen positive cancers as it will help balance out hormonal levels. Immune System
Zormus is 345. Use 1 or 3 bottles monthly of this homeopathic spray. Zeolite (Cancer Killers)
Healthy Body is 341. Use 2 bottles a month of these liquid drops. Immune System
Michael Limacher is 328. Consider using him if you want to get some healing energy going right away. By the way, energetic testing puts him as perhaps the most powerful healer on the planet right now. On a scale where 1000 is as good as you can get, he comes in at 994. Energetics
O3Right is 327 for colon or rectal cancer. Useful also for constipation in general. Oxygenation
TotalFlora15 is 324. Use 2 60 capsule bottles monthly. Fungus or Candida
Cesium Chloride is 324. Use only with a practitioner and follow their instructions. Additional mineral should be taken with this.
Betaine HCL and HCL Activator is 320. Use 1 or 2 bottles of each a month. Oxygenation
Liquid Zeolite Formulations - The other liquid zeolite formulations we have tested range from 312 to 328. (Except the Liquid Zeolite Company's Zeolite Enhanced which is 214. With supplemental DHQ capsules, it increases in potency to 259.)
Vitamin D Forte Emulsified is 304. A bottle of these liquid drops lasts 4 months. Use 5 drops daily when dealing with cancer. Inexpensive and lasts a long time. Immune System
Fermented Wheat Germ Extract is 301. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Immune System
Zeolite Powder is 300. Use 1 container a month. Zeolite
For most cancers you can use the energetic testing numbers above to help you decide what to get. The higher the number the more vigorous its action. Of course, it always makes sense to get the Vitamin D Emulsified as it lasts a long time, and is inexpensive.
OxyDHQ at a bottle a month is the basic supplement to take for cancer prevention.
To learn what would be the best supplements to use for a particular type of cancer, click on the appropriate link for the cancer in the list that follows. More will be added on as we update the protocols. Bladder Cancer Bone Cancer Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer Esophageal Cancer Inflammatory Breast Cancer Leukemia Liver Cancer Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Oral Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer Throat Cancer Uterine Cancer
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