Cancer Strategy #6: Kill Candida Yeast Infections
If you decide to get the top anti-cancer product we have yet seen, OxyDHQ, and are taking it in the suggested quantities of 3 to 5 bottles a month for early, advanced or end stage cancer, you will be using an excellent candida killer. Also if you add on the pH Balancer 8.0 and use it along with the OxyDHQ, you will be using another supplement that will help considerably at dealing with the candida.
Even the baking soda and water will help, though not as well orally as the pH Balancer 8.0. Here's a bit more on that story.
One Italian doctor, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, has a theory that all cancer is caused by candida. The candida fungus forms a vital role in cancer's ability to survive. Candida makes toxins that impair the apoptosis process, which allows cells to become cancerous. And they intertwine with tumors, protecting them with a positively charged acid glue that holds candida (and the tumors) together.If you have no money at all, you can increase the potency by using 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a quart of water. Drink 5 quarts a day of this mixture. 230. (And make sure you are eating about a cup of freshly ground up flax seeds daily blended in an equal amount or more of cottage cheese or yogurt.) 201 in our energetic testing.
His original solution, drink a teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) in a glass of water half an hour before every meal. It pulls acids out of the cancer cells, and neutralizes the acid glue holding the candida together. Without the candida to protect the cancer, cancers self-destruct.
This is simple and cheap. As we mentioned before, it comes in at 142 for fighting cancer in our energetic testing. He reported many remissions using this procedure. Now a few doctors in Italy inject pharmaceutical grade bicarbonate of soda into tumors - with better results. Tumors can disappear within days or weeks. His breast cancer protocol calls for surrounding a breast tumor with up to 120 cc of 5% sodium bicarbonate solution daily if tolerated. After several sessions most local cancers are gone. A lot better than surgery! Energetic testing puts this procedure at a very good 431.
For distant cancers use IV's to get it into the body. 500 cc of a 5% bicarbonate solution over about one hour. Best if it is in an artery leading to the tumor. Unfortunately, you're not likely to be able to get your oncologist to try either of these.
If you aren't taking the more potent pH Balancer 8.0, make sure you are taking a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water about half an hour before each meal.
So you may not need to take any additional supplements for candida if you are taking the OxyDHQ and pH Balancer 8.0 or doing the baking soda regime. However, candida overgrowth and chemotherapy both kill off your friendly bacteria. Lack of friendly bacteria allows the candida to quickly and easily regrow. Friendly bacteria may be involved in as much as 70% to 80% of your immune system response. Getting these friendly bacteria back into your system right away, or at the very least a bit later on, is important to do. The probiotic we like the best for this is...
This probiotic, unlike most probiotics, is able to kill Candida and does an excellent job of recolonizing the intestinal tract with 15 billion friendly bacteria per capsule. Even in the presence of candida. There are estimated to be one hundred trillion bacteria living inside the human intestine comprised of 500 different species. This number amounts to more than TEN TIMES the number of cells you have in your whole body. These bacteria together weigh two to three pounds and could be considered your first organ of defense against disease. Most of these bacteria are referred to as "good" but others provide little or no benefit. The ideal balance between them is 85% good and 15% "other". If the "others" numbers grow too large, you're not going to feel great and candida yeast or other harmful bacteria will overgrow and cause all types of health issues. This is why it is so important to help the “good” numbers stay high.
TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. They work together to maintain a balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.
Also added to this combination is the Streptococcus Thermophilus, a highly versatile fast acting strain of friendly bacteria that also acts as a free radical scavenger. This additional strain works hand in hand with the 10 strains of Lactobacillus and four from the Bifidobacterium family to kick start a good bacteria bloom that promotes healthy intestinal function, and works with your immune system to inhibit candida overgrowth.
For maintenance use 2 capsules daily from this 60 capsule bottle. To fight candida double the amount to 4 capsules daily. Energetic testing puts TotalFlora15 at 324 for its ability to deal with cancer and 643 for its ability to deal with candida.
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