Cancer Strategy #3 - Get MethylGlyoxal Into Your Cells
Koch Energy
The other important cancer fighting function it performs is to stimulate the body to produce methylglyoxal, thus putting the breaks on uncontrolled cellular replication that characterizes cancer cells.
It was Dr. Koch's opinion that his remedy tapped into healing at the DNA level in all the cells of the body. Primarily by triggering a cell's oxidative mechanisms to regenerate the impaired aerobic oxygen respiration that causes the cell to go cancerous. Restoring a cell's ability to use oxygen to produce energy is fundamental to Otto Warburg's theory on how to stop cancer. And it works...Dr. Koch used his remedies successfully for treating cancers, allergies, polio and infectious diseases. He postulated that it worked against pathogens because the increased oxidation initiated by it would kill the disease causing pathogens in the cells.
And Methylglyoxal, if you remember, literally tells cancer cells to stop their abnormally high replication rate. Cancer cells are geared up to replicate rapidly,, many times faster than normal cells.
As Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi discovered, when cancer cells can't replicate in an uncontrolled fashion, they die. And of course, at the same time as the Original Koch Energy turns off the replication of cancer cells, they initiate the repair of respiratory enzymes in the cells, stopping the spread of cancer and helping to slow down the growth of, or to even kill, cancer cells.
The Koch Energy contains the energies from Dr. Koch's full range of homeopathic formulations of glyoxal that stimulate your body to create more methylglyoxal in the cells. As we mentioned before, Koch Energy tests energetically at 352 for fighting cancer.
The Original Koch Energy comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. For early stage cancers use two bottles a month, 2 squeezes of the dropper bulb twice a day. Hold in your mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. For an advanced stage cancer, use 4 bottles a month. Eight squeezes a day. This does not have to be by itself, away from food or supplements. You do not have to be on a vegan diet as you did with previous formulas. It works excellent on its own, but works best when used with...
MG Concentrate
Theslightly more potent methylglyoxal product, especially when used with the Original Koch Energy, is MG Concentrate. This became one of the better anti-cancer products after it was stabilized - with vitamin C also being added to it. Energetic testing puts MG Concentrate at 342. The Methylglyoxal Combo of 1 MG Concentrate and 3 of the Koch Energy for a months use tests at a very strong 475. MG Concentrate was originally conceived and developed by the Nobel Prize winning Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi back in the Sixties. Because methylglyoxal is a natural molecule and can't be patented, he couldn't get funding to carry his work to human trials, even though the animal trials he conducted proved that it worked exceedingly well against cancer.
Dr. Koch and Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi took different approaches to supplying methylglyoxal to the body. Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi developed a way to take quantities of methylglyoxal just like you would take a vitamin. It worked. Researchers Apple and Greenberg showed that it significantly inhibited tumor growth in mice with leukemia and tumors. It was observed to inhibit mitochondrial respiration and energy production of malignant tissues and cells, but had no effect on normal, nonmalignant tissues and cells.
These studies proved it is a potent anticancer agent that acts against cancerous cells, but not normal cells. And that it works best when augmented with vitamin C. But no testing on humans had been done. In the late 90s, a group of doctors at the University College of Science in India tested a less potent version on a group of mostly stage 4 advanced cancer patients. Of the 19 patients who completed the 25 week study, (5 patients moved away), 11 were in excellent health, 5 were stable and continuing with the Methylglyoxal, and only 3 had died.
Remarkable results when dealing with advanced cancers. In fact, in the abstract of this study, the doctors state: "The results strongly suggest that this formulation is by far more superior than other present forms of treatment against cancer." The study has continued on throughout the years with equally successful results.
MG Concentrate, because it has been stabilized, may be over twice as potent as the methylglyoxal formulation used in this study.
Use 4 servings a day of 7.5 ml or one and a half teaspoons of methylglyoxal diluted in water, followed each time by a mixture of B vitamins. The Max Stress B Nano-Plex is a natural source vitamin B that works well for this. It can be used in small doses because it is very well absorbed. Use two bottles a month.
The 900 ml. bottle of MG Concentrate is a month's supply. It is relatively unknown, but is one of the few natural supplements that has extensive use in clinical research proving that it works exceedingly well for cancer. The Methylglyoxal Combo of a bottle of the MG Concentrate a month and three of the Original Koch Energy are significantly better than doing either one separately.
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