Cancer Strategy #2 - Raise pH Levels to Reduce Body Acidity
Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. This is because cancer is created, and thrives, in a body that has low pH levels, a body that is acidic. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. Making it very difficult to raise pH levels, especially when cancer is present.
When you take something to increase pH levels, your cells notice the difference and start to dump some of the toxins they are holding back into the bloodstream now that they have a chance to get rid of them. (Toxins are acidic and the cells won't release them if the blood is too acidic. The blood must be kept in a narrow range around neutral pH.) Because the cells are releasing some of their stored toxins, your pH levels drop again. This detoxification process can take months to complete. In addition, because cancer cells pump out lactic acid as a byproduct of how they produce energy, they create even more acidity. You need to work a long time at normalizing pH because of these factors, but as you do, you will make your body, in a sense, cancer proof.
Because of the fundamentalness of cancer thriving in too acidic conditions, there are many sites and books or ebooks promoting various ways to beat cancer by alkalizing the body with their particular product suggestions. Coral calcium and alkaline water machines are a couple that have been pretty popular. Also a combination of oxygen catalyst drops and a high quality green drink. So it can get a bit confusing as to what the best thing to do would be. For a while, as some of the more important cancer fighting suggestions like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ did work to increase pH levels, our primary suggestion was to drink 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day. Its virtue being that it is inexpensive to do so why not do it. But as pH is so fundamental to fighting cancer, we did some energetic testing to get some idea as to which ways to increase pH levels in your body were best for fighting cancer. The results were pretty interesting.
Alkaline drops, where you put a couple in everything you drink, tested at a low 35. Not very good, perhaps because they are not that healthy a thing to be doing. Getting a machine that makes alkaline water, and drinking the water tested at 135. A machine that vortex's water, oxygenates it and adds minerals to increase pH is a bit better at 195. They are certainly fine to do, but not what you'd call really good. The 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day was a 142. Taking Coral Calcium was better, a 235 for fighting cancer. A high quality green drink marketed for alkalizing the body came in at a 214. For adjusting pH only, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a 235 when used in the quantities suggested for cancer.
OxyDHQ tests energetically, for its pH adjusting ability, at 345, virtually tied with the Oxygen Catalyst used for adjusting pH, which comes in at 346. (OxyDHQ tests much higher for fighting cancer, 674, because the oxygen it creates also does an especially good job of killing cancer cells. Overall for fighting cancer, the Oxygen Catalyst comes in at 200, it doesn't do as good a job at fighting cancer as at adjusting pH levels.)
The best pH adjuster we have found is an herbal formula developed by one of the manufacturers we have contacts with. Interesting, this manufacturer did not originally develop the formulation for adjusting pH. It was designed to reduce inflammation and support the heart and lungs. But when he checked to see how well it adjusted pH levels, he discovered it did a remarkably good job of increasing pH levels in the body. So good, in fact, he renamed the supplement pH Balancer 8.0. Energetic testing bore out his conclusions. It comes in at an excellent 499 when taken in the suggested quantities. The highest score by far.
The best way to adjust pH levels is to take a combination of supplements. Usually something green and an oxygenator. For example the Oxygen Catalyst and the high quality green drink are always bundled together as the best way to adjust pH levels. As a combo they are excellent, testing energetically at 380 for adjusting pH, not as a cancer fighter. Testing much much higher though are the OxyDHQ and pH Balancer 8.0 when taken in the suggested quantities to beat cancer. They come in at a remarkable 800 for adjusting pH, and for their overall cancer fighting ability, energetic testing is an astounding 723. Clearly the combination to go with.
pH Balancer 8.0
As mentioned above, this is easily the best body alkalizer we have found coming in at 499 in the energetic testing. Especially so if taken with OxyDHQ, which as a cancer fighter energetically testing at 674 is something you should be using if at all possible anyway.
The proprietary formulation of herbs, minerals and amino acids in pH Balancer 8.0 include: L-Taurine, Hawthorne Berry, Safflower, Wasabi Japonica, Wild Cherry, Allium Cepa, Barberry, Bilberry, Cinnamon, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, Turmeric, Cayenne, Wood Betony, Dioscorea, Pleurisy, Potassium, Fritillaria, and Magnesium. There is no one particular ingredient that is the key to its effectiveness. It is the particular combination in the right quantities that makes it work so well. In addition, as it is often important to reduce inflammation when fighting cancer, you get its ability to do so as an additional benefit.
There are 90 tablets per bottle. As with most supplements you take more for an advanced cancer than for an early stage cancer because you have more cancer to deal with so you need to be more vigorous in your approach to dealing with it.
For an early stage cancer, consider using 3 bottles a month, for advanced cancer get 4 bottles for a month's supply, and if trying to reverse an end stage cancer, go up to 5 bottles for a months supply. They can be taken with meals or on an empty stomach. It is best to take them at the same time you are taking the OxyDHQ to optimize the synergy these two products give each other.
Below is an additional way to help increase pH levels in your body - while at the same time improving digestion and fighting cancer.
Betaine HCl with an HCL Activator
In the late 1920s Dr. Walter Guy and Dr. Ferguson made extensive use of hydrochloric acid therapy to cure many ill health conditions, including cancer. These doctors found that administering HCl (hydrochloric acid) balanced pH and had other cancer fighting benefits.
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is needed to break down protein. With age, or if you have a hiatal hernia, its production decreases. About 2 grams is required per meal. No acid means poor digestion. Hydrochloric acid is the only healthy acid in the body.
Symptoms of acid indigestion almost always come from not enough hydrochloric acid because that causes the fermentation of organic waste acids in the stomach. Rather than using antacids, taking hydrochloric acid is required, so that the organic waste acids are not produced. Don't take it if you have ulcers though.
Bob Livingston in his newsletter describes how lack of HCL may lead to cancer.
"Cancer victims always are high in lactic and carbonic acids. This definitely calls for the need of a larger supply of hydrochloric acid in cancer patients. When a weak solution of hydrochloric acid is introduced into the tissues, either by mouth, vein or muscles, it acts chiefly in clearing out the poisonous waste acids of the body from the lymph channels, increases the elimination of CO2, restores normal pH reaction and desensitizes the tissues to disease proteins."
The doctors in the 1920s doing the HCL protocol, found that no matter how the HCl was given, it was useful. Especially if combined with potassium.
To get additional HCl, take Betaine HCl. When used in conjunction with the HCL Activator, it will boost the immune system and increase the ability of red cells to transport oxygen. Taking it with meals will both improve digestion, and get more into the body where it will help to balance pH. The HCL Activator supplies the potassium and other co-factors in a capsule form that is in a similar quantity to what the doctors used. Taking adequate amounts of Betaine HCL with meals will also help reduce the amount of enzymes the pancreas will be required to produce for digestion, leaving more capacity for producing enzymes to fight cancer. Using several bottles each of Betaine HCL and HCL Activator a month would be worth doing when fighting cancer. Energetically they come in at 320 for use with cancer, and of course, they aid digestion too.
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